Wow, it sure is hard to believe that it's the last day of January 2016 already! January has been an energetically intense month...lots and lots of energy shifts, downloads, upgrades, solar activity, souls leaving the planet, etc. It's funny...on the one hand, it feels as if January flew by, but, taking a moment to reflect back on all that has happened, it feels, on the other hand, like a lifetime. It has been a very energetically ''dense'' month, to say the least. As a result of this, many of us may be feeling some pretty intense ''Ascension Symptoms." So, you may ask, what is Ascension anyway...and what are these symptoms I speak of?
Ascension is a process of acceleration in vibrational frequency and expansion of awareness which results in a shift in consciousness. Ascension is a Universal and perfectly natural evolutionary process. Currently, Gaia (Mother Earth) is in the process of a planetary Ascension, and we are all a part of that process, whether consciously involved or not. As a result, we are also in the process of a collective Ascension of humanity. During this process, changes are occurring on all levels of our beings. As Gaia shifts, so do our vibrational frequencies and as a result, we experience various physical, mental, emotional and spiritual symptoms.
These symptoms vary in severity, they come and go and often seem to make little to no sense, especially if you're not aware of what is happening. (Even though I'm aware, I sometimes "forget" and find myself thinking I must have some weird something or that surely I must be The good news is that, as your vibrational frequency raises higher, the symptoms tend to decrease, and even subside for a while (until it's time for your next major One of my favorite (yeah, right) ascension symptoms is a ringing in the ears that can go on for days, or even weeks sometimes. I remember, back in 2011, when I was entering into a significant shift in energies, my ears rang so much I felt like they were bleeding. It was relentless, went on for a few months and drove me nuts! I didn't realize, at the time, that this is what it was, since I was rather entrenched in my ''conspiracy theory'' mindset at that point and kept blaming it on the EMFs, chemtrails, wifi signals, HAARP frequency and such. It was toward the end of that time that I began learning more about ascension and became aware of what these ascension symptoms were and finally started realizing that the reason my ears were constantly ringing was because I was being energetically upgraded to a higher frequency, but my physical body and thinking had not yet caught up to speed. I believe it is this gap that may cause the ascension symptoms. We receive Divine energetic downloads/upgrades, but then our physical bodies and minds need some time to adjust and integrate these new frequencies before they can reach a renewed state of equilibrium.
Here is a complete list of Ascension Symptoms for you to check out
Here is an excerpt from an energy report I've been following lately. This is some of what is going on now, energetically speaking:
As I have mentioned before in my Energy Reports, the energy is coming in more fast and furious than ever before with little down time for rest and integration between each shift. Your cooperation is needed with these shifts to integrate, adjust and anchor these energies into Earth and yourselves. Buckle up Beautiful Souls we are on an intense Energy ride that is carrying through this entire year! And yes, that’s a good thing! This is what is assisting us and Earth in THE SHIFT from 3D to 5D. If you are a Lightworker connected to Earth, YOU are needed now to anchor these incoming energies into the grid, portals and vortexes.
Aside from the symptoms I mentioned above, with these vibrational shifts we can experience the following physical symptoms in the coming days:
*Lathargy as the pineal gland and melatonin production becomes over stimulated during shifts.
* High pitched ear ringing
* Leg and foot cramping
* Headaches
* Back, shoulder and neck aches
* Dizziness, vertigo
* Dry, blurry eyes as the 3rd Eye Chakra activates and expands.
* Heart chakra activation with Heart palpitations, and a feeling of all encompassing love. (Use rose quartz to assist in expanding the heart chakra, deep breathing and be in nature.)
* Angelic visitations and interdemensional awareness
* Time line jumping and loosing track of time.
* Crown chakra activation with headaches, itchy head, pressure on the head, rashes. (Massage the head, meditate, use Lavender essential oils and Amethyst crystal to relieve headaches and pressure.)
* Extreme thirst and weird food cravings as the body increases in vibrational frequency. (Listen to what your body needs.)
* Metaphysical gifts expanding concerning energy. (Begin using)
* Vivid dreams and visions (journal). Many people will experience channeling sessions during energetic shifts as the Crown expands connecting you to Divine Source and all that is.
* Depression as the pineal gland is overstimulated in producing or reducing the flow of Serotonin, (the feel good hormone).
Key Words: This too shall pass. Keep riding the wave!
Be sure to ground yourself, drink plenty of water, rest, BREATHE, and eat a healthful diet. Funky cravings excluded
These shifts are activating your Crown and Heart Chakras. This is what you can expect from Crown expansion.
Your crown chakra is your connection to the Universe on a cosmic scale. Its complete activation brings the ultimate state of human achievement, and enlightenment, that of cosmic consciousness. It is the point of entry of the Universal mind of God Consciousness, and complete oneness with the cosmos.
When you are in a complete state of unity with the Divine, the Spiritual gifts, and super normal powers you will receive are nothing compared to the expansion of your consciousness as it unfolds into infinity. When this seventh chakra expands, any blockages remaining in the other six dissolve, and their energies begin to vibrate at their highest possible frequencies.
We had the heart chakra expansion come in, and now the crown and heart are expanding at the same time, expanding your love for ALL and connection to the Cosmos and Universal Divine Source!
I will note, be aware of your surroundings when out and about, as mentioned above this shift can bring on agitation and aggression especially in those who aren’t aware of what is going on in their bodies, thus creating unpredictable behavior.
Pay attention to how you are feeling and what you are experiencing in the next week or two, and if you are experiencing any discomfort, notice where it is coming from and try to tune into any message your experience is telling you. Allow it to simply be, without trying to change it. and then, when you feel ready, release the discomfort and allow it to transmute any lower frequencies still stuck.
There is so much more I can say, but, once again, I am falling asleep at the keyboard, so goodnight my dear friends <3