The experience of time can be such a funny thing. On the one hand, as I mentioned in an earlier blog, it seems to have sped up and goes by quicker than ever. And then there is this whole other experience of so deeply feeling the richness of your connections that it seems as if you have experienced a lifetime in a single day. I have found that, for me, this first week of 2016 has been filled with a profound richness of connections that has left me feeling as though I am not the same person that I was at the start of the year, just 7 short days ago.
I have been blessed with many opportunities this week to engage in deep and meaningful conversation with fabulous people and as a result have shared and experienced a great deal of insight and expansion. I have been inspired by the people in my life and had the chance to tell them how they inspire me. I have received wonderful feedback on how I have positively impacted others and had the chance to tell others how they have positively impacted me. My creativity has been sparked by witnessing the incredible creativity of others. I have felt more seen and heard and loved and appreciated than ever before in my life and have experienced feelings of deep connection that have nourished my heart and soul.
It would seem that, if I were to pick a theme for 2016 based on this first week, I would have to go with ''authentic heart connection," as that seems to be what has occurred at every turn thus far. I cannot fully express the gratitude I feel for all that I have been blessed to share this week...if this is an example of what the year has in store for me, I am thrilled to see how the rest of it plays out. Of course, I'm sure, before we know it, we'll be on the other side of this "366 Days of Awakening" and we will already know what occurred. Until then, thank you for being on this journey with me, and thanks for reading!
Many blessings of Love and Light <3
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