When I was going to UMass, I had to park waaaaaay at the bottom of the campus, and every day, walking up from my parking lot, I followed a path that went through 2 beautiful maple trees which stood on either side of the path and who's branches intertwined overhead. Every day I would pause and silently (or out loud if no one was nearby) greet these two beautiful trees, connect with their magnificent energy and send them Love. I contemplated their souls (yes, trees do have souls) and one day it came to me that these two trees were Twin Flames, ''split aparts"...lovers, bound for all of eternity, who had chosen to stand there, near enough to just barely touch but unable to ever feel one another's embrace for the duration of their incarnation. I sensed that they were working off some pretty intense karma in doing so. I mused over this thought from time to time and continued to connect with my tree friends each day. The second Autumn that I went there, when the leaves changed, I arrived at school one day and as I was crossed the road toward the path where the trees stood, I looked up and was absolutely amazed to see that, in the center of the canopy they made over the footpath, there was, I kid you not, a GIANT red heart in the foliage!!! It was so incredible, and was one of the first of many incredible experiences that I have had that have taught me not to doubt the messages I receive.
You see, being a mystic in a world that values fact over intuition had led me to constantly doubt myself and wonder if I was making it all up, or worse yet, just plain crazy. It's not like I felt free to talk about this stuff with other people, because most people around me just didn't see the world the same way I did...and then, there was that fear of being seen as crazy I mentioned earlier. The internet wasn't a thing yet so there weren't any chat rooms to join or pages to like where groups of fellow Lightworkers could gather and exchange information. So I would constantly second guess the messages I was receiving from the world around me and as a result I was sublimating my gifts, which led to the manifestation of a various physical ailments over the years. The day I saw that heart, I knew I was being given a beautiful message of confirmation and gratitude from my tree friends. It was just too blatantly obvious of a message to not believe, and so I vowed, from that day forth to trust myself when I picked up on things...to believe in my knowingness and the messages that I receive, even if they seemed a bit ''crazy.''
As it turns out, it would end up taking many more years before I would come to a place where I would be healed and whole enough to begin to fully claim my Divine gifts and find the courage to speak my truth fearlessly to the world, but the love story of these two trees has always stuck with me as a beautiful lesson in trusting my intuition and I was inspired to share it with all of you. I hope that you too can learn to trust your intuition and allow it to guide you, because, once you start listening, AMAZING things start happening in your life <3
Much Love and Light to you, dear ones. And, thanks for reading!
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