Saturday, May 28, 2016

5/26-31/2016 (Days 147-152) Taking some time off...

I decided to take a little vacation from the blog. 
 I'll be back next week. 
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!  <3
 (Try to enjoy the heat)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

5/25/2016 (Day 146) Fuzzy Giant Tree and Preview of June's Energies

 I really like this picture for some reason. 
I liked how the tree looks fuzzy in the silhouette 
and how there's so much going on all at once. 
The pictures don't show how giant this tree really is. 

I found this in my inbox from the lovely Tania Gabrielle today and wanted to pass it along. That's really all I got for tonight. Hope you had a great day. Much Love and Light <3 

In just a few days we will bring the month of May to a close…

And the moment transition into passionate June is made even more inviting since Mars is about to retrograde into Scorpio…

Mars, the ancient ruler of Scorpio, feels super comfortable in that passionate sign.

Mixing the internalized fire of retrograding MARS with the transformational sign of SCORPIO during June’s 15/6 Universal Month of love, magic and passionate abundance is going to make it EXTRA memorable!

So… get ready for an exhilarating and ecstatic ride!

What’s taking the positive manifestation energy into overdrive is the profoundly positive astro-numerology event surrounding us in the next weeks… it will enable this Mars in Scorpio moment to EXPAND abundance opportunities to the nth degree!

Abundance is attracted to joyful passion – 100% engagement in what tickles you pink and immerses you in bliss…

Abundance absolutley loves happiness!

Mars in Scorpio will intensify and focus your primal energy even more.

And the happiness meter will rise to new levels at the same time. That’s because this moment is merrged with the powerful Grand Trine that includes Jupiter and Pluto! Such GOOD news!

  • Pluto rules Scorpio, the sign Mars will be transiting into.
  • Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the sign Mars is currently in AND the sign of the current and next Full Moon (yes, we have two in a row!)
  • Pluto empowers… Jupiter expands.
  • Pluto transforms, Jupiter attracts fortunate outcomes.

So with Mars moving back into Scorpio (from Sagittarius) we have a storyline of tremendous opportunity unfolding for us in the next weeks.

Here are some tips on how to leverage the fortunate gifts.

It all happens when you harness the highly motivational Mars energy:

  • Think less and experience more.
  • Be in the feeling zone. Let yourself be, give yourself a chance.
  • Let go… just let go and relax. It will happen.
  • Your inner fire is burning. Let the mind unwind. You must unwind the mind… the moment your mind relaxes is themoment you’ll attract higher, joyful experiences. 

It is the tense mind, the overthinking mind that thinks it knows everything - and that gets in the way of expansion and progress.

So let go.

Allow yourself to be healed by Pluto and Jupiter (Jupiter is also currently in the healing sign of Virgo).

Meditate, concentrate in everything you do.

Give your totally undivided, sincere, full, honest attention on what you do.

That is the definition of DEVOTION.

Totally undivided, sincere, honest attention on everything you do.

Mars in Scorpio inspires this level of devotion! And so does June’s 15/6 code of spiritual alchemy and joy.

Enjoy the magical miracles!

For more info or to subscribe go to

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

5/24/2016 (Day 145) Studying Before and After Sunset

I've been working on lesson 136 in A Course in Miracles ("Sickness is a Defense Against the Truth") today. Powerful, and profound work. Here are some pictures I took of the sunset tonight. Please forgive the spot on my lens (I think it might be one the inside, from when it got doused in chai...long story). Anyhow...have a good night, my friends! {{{hugs}} 

 Lindy's camera was not cooperating :( 

 It was like a giant angel...couldn't get the whole thing in a the picture though

 "Lindy and the Angel"
by Amie

Monday, May 23, 2016

5/23/2016 (Day 144) Long Beautiful Day...

...I'm beat! Heading off to bed with nothing to say tonight. I hope you have a good night :)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

5/22/2016 (Day 143) New Trees!

As many of you know, I LOVE the trees. So when I came across an article in Saturday's copy of The Recorder (our town newspaper) that stated "New tree ordinance aimed at making Greenfield greener," I was thrilled! It stated that the town council has passed an ordinance, with a unanimous vote, that "gives the Department of Public Works the right to plant trees in the strip of grass between the street and sidewalk--often referred to as the tree belt." Apparently the right to plant new trees in the tree belt had been banned 15 years ago.  So, as many of the older trees began leaning too much (which often happens to these trees because they don't have enough dirt to hold them up when they get older) they were cut down but not a one has been replaced in 15 years and so Greenfield is not as pretty as it once was.

The ordinance outlines a tree replacement policy and allows residents to request or plant trees in front of their home. The article went on the say the DPW is scheduled to take down 24 more trees soon but also to plant 74 new trees throughout the town this year, which  made me very happy. I lost two trees in front of my house in the past few years, and am hoping to have the chance to get a new one planted there! I am planning on asking them to plant a tree in front of my house...I think I'd like a sycamore! (It says you just need to contact the town and they will put you on a list). I'm super excited to see all the new ones around town as they are planted!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

5/21/2016 (Day 142) Full Flower Moon

Petals unfurling
Their lively blooms bring delight.
May's Full Flower Moon

Friday, May 20, 2016

5/20/2016 (Day 141) Flower Moon

Our Full "Flower Moon occurs tomorrow, May 21, at 5:14 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. This moon is also known as ''Corn Planting Moon and the Milk Moon"...I thought it pretty obvious why the first two would be so, but I wasn't sure what the last one was about, though, so I decided to google it...and, discovered that it's because it is calving season and the cow's udders are ''brimming with milk"...made perfect sense in

Full moons are a time of letting go and discernment.The energies are good for working on commitmen:ts, both in spirit and love. What are you ready to let go of in order to enable you to step more fully into your commitment to loving yourself more and allowing Spirit to guide you toward your Divine purpose? Where might you benefit from using some discernment around your commitments to those you love? Are you giving too much of yourself away? Feeling put upon, but not speaking up? (Be aware that flares of temper may be showing up with current Mars action, so try to keep your cool if you feel like losing your shit on someone you love...or like...or don't Set your intentions for releasing and letting go of what you are ready to shed. 

Here are links to some good astro reports:

Mystic Mama (always great) 

Intuitive Astrology by Tanaz
may full moon astrology 2016

Full Moon 21 May 2016 Polar Opposites
Full Moon May 2016 Astrology

and, last, but not least, from the Huffington Post:

May 21 Sagittarius Full Moon | Warrior Spirit

Have a great weekend, my friends. Enjoy the Moon! 
Much Love and Light {{{hugs}}} <3

Thursday, May 19, 2016

5/19/2016 (Day 140) Contemplating...

...not much to say tonight. 
It was a lovely day, I am blessed and thankful <3 
I hope you had a beautiful day as well! 


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

5/18/2016 (Day 139) From Peak to Peak

"The top of the world" in Leyden, looking North/west-ish..toward Greenfield and Poet's Seat Tower

 Gorgeous old growth maples up in Leyden

Looking from Poet's Seat Tower back toward Leyden :) 

Lindy surveying the kingdom, waiting for the color...

 Hey you! ;) 

 The show begins....
 gradually building...

The ''finale" ;)  

Beautiful night, my dear ones ,,,,

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

5/17/2016 (Day 138) Zzzzzzz...

Falling asleep at the keyboard I'm afraid...have a good night folks <3 

 The light on the marigolds was beautiful on my way into Foster's earlier this evening. Love the colors!