"I completed this 40 day practice 2 years ago. It changed my life completely. And again, it is saving and changing my life this time around. It is a very energizing program that teaches: LOVE cannot exist where there is FEAR; FEAR cannot exist where there is LOVE. There is no overlap. We choose which state to live in."
My interest was piqued.
"It's practically impossible to believe, but only one month until the May 40-Day Program begins!! Starts May 1, 2016. Wow. I would love to open up the conversation here to see how you feel about telling your friends and family about the 40-Day program, to talk with them about God, about Jesus (that might be a stretch! but just checking!) to share about your practice of listening and following daily guidance from your Inner Teacher, about not having to suffer, about realizing that you always have a choice between love and fear. Almost everyone who has taken the 40-Day Program heard about it from a friend or family member - it has grown almost entirely through word-of-mouth alone, which is just absolutely awesome - THANK YOU!! - and we'd love to continue to have everyone tell people you know about this program and how it can change their life and how it changed your life. If you have fear around inviting people to take the 40-Day, I would love to hear from you! Would also love to hear from people who are grateful someone told them about the 40-Day! Let's pass the invitation to the 40-Day Program around to the people we know and love."
I've never studied A Course in Miracles, and, to be honest, I really know next to nothing about it. I have read a few snippets here and there...but not much. I've picked up copies of the book at tag sales and used book stores when I'd come across it in my travels time and again over the years, but I never bought a copy. The main reason I'd never allowed myself to explore and benefit from it's teachings, was because, for so many years, I had been resistant to the Christian based language used in the teachings. After having remembered lifetimes in which I had been persecuted (burned at the stake, killed, enslaved, and maimed for my various different beliefs and gifts) at the hands of the Christians, and; in this lifetime, having forgotten in my early years, I had found peace in the Christian Church as a child..,only to learn, as a young adult, that the Church had slaughtered millions who had practiced the Ancient Ways of healing, that my rightful wisdom and heritage had been robbed from me in the name of Christianity. And then to remember that I, myself, had been tortured and murdered, in past lives, caused me to spend many years unable to get past anything that smacked of Christianity...even though I still and always would connect to the Love of the Christ Consciousness, and have a deep respect for and Love of Master Jesus, who has been one of humanity's greatest teachers of Love; I have, for many years, found myself resistant to anything that smacks of Christianity. So, even though I'd heard good things about A Course in Miracles, I'd always resisted exploring it because I couldn't get past the language.
And I realized how true that was, it occurred to me that my ego was what I had to let go of in order to suspend judgement of the words being spoken in order to and allow the essence of the message to speak to me. And, in that moment, I decided to let go of ego and say...
I'm pretty excited....I'll keep you posted on how it goes :) Our first Here's more info on it if you're interested in knowing more. The next round is in September....I'll let you know later if I recommend signing up...but I have a feeling I will. We'll see. Meanwhile, "I'm all in" and committed to ''watching myself like a hawk'' for the next 40 days as I allow my thought to shift more fully into Love and more completely out of fear <3
It’s a commitment you make to yourself – to live in a whole new way for 40 days.
It’s a spiritual commitment – a spiritual discipline to know yourself and to know God.
It’s a direct experience of the power and presence of God in your life – you will see miracles with your own eyes and through your own personal experience.
You will not be able to predict what happens. (My favorite part!)
Instead of asking others for advice, you will seek guidance from your Inner Teacher.
At first, you might feel discomfort & resistance – remember your commitment and to trust.
At first, you might feel discomfort & resistance – remember your commitment and to trust.
No stories.
This is about discovery, not trying to make something happen. This is about allowing.
Go all the way.
You will become aware of your chattering mind and learn how to not let it run your life anymore.
You will realize you have the ability to be happy in all circumstances, no matter what is going on.
You will develop a new practice of being quiet and going within.
The Purpose of This Program:
• to focus on God consistently for 40 days
• to become aware of your thoughts and feelings
• to spend more of the day intentionally thinking about God
• to create a deeper connection with your Inner Teacher
• to become aware of your thoughts and feelings
• to spend more of the day intentionally thinking about God
• to create a deeper connection with your Inner Teacher
The Power of 40!
The number 40 appears 146 times in the Bible.
THIS NUMBER 40 SIGNIFIES TESTING & PREPARATION – it represents the complete and sufficient period to finish an important work.
The Bible uses the number 40 when starting a new chapter of the history of the salvation.
Forty day spiritual journeys are well-known in the Bible.
40 = The Number of Testing
40 is the death of oneself and spiritual rebirth.
Jesus in the Wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights before beginning his public ministry.
Moses with God on Mount Sinai, 40 days and 40 nights.
Moses AGAIN with God on Mount Sinai, 40 days and 40 nights.
Noah – 40 days and 40 nights in a flood.
Jesus remained on earth for 40 days after his resurrection with his disciples.
Elijah journeying forty days toward Mount Sinai in search of God.
Siddhartha meditated under the Bodhi tree for 40 days and became Buddha – which means “one who is awake.”
Treat it as an experiment, a time of discovery and awareness.
For 40 days, I am paying attention to the thoughts I’m thinking and the emotions I am experiencing.
For 40 days, I’m setting aside time for God, for prayer.
For 40 days, I am acknowledging that there is a Presence & Power with me, as me. This Presence is my Inner Teacher, my Guide, and I’m listening!
I’m in. I AM ALL IN!
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