In the past year, I have consciously done a great deal of energy work to clear out old blocks and attachments, and to release energies and blueprints that tethered me to the past and kept me from attaining a higher vibrational frequency on a regular basis. Something that I learned over the course of the work that I've been doing is that I have more control over my thinking than I realized, and that it was my thinking that dictated how I felt (not the other way around...I wasn't a "slave to my emotions" as I had always believed myself to be). And I also realized just how often I chose to allow my thinking (controlled by ego) to cause me to feel bad and that it was always my mind/ego that led me to spiral into lower vibrational frequencies...every single time it happened.
And, so the way I looked at Mother's day changed this year (as has the way I look at many things). Instead of choosing to focus on who I have lost (my own mother, grandmothers, aunties, and ''other mother''), I chose to focus instead on Gaia and on the essence of Mothering...to connect with the energies of the Divine Mother, to contemplate Her in a universal sense, and to honor Her presence in our world. I chose to think about all of the amazing women that have mothered me and moulded me over the years and to honor them. I chose to honor myself as Mother and reflect on witnessing the birth of my best friend's beautiful daughter. I recalled how AMAZING it was witness her emerging from the womb and to look into her big brown eyes just seconds afterward...which led me to choose to become a mother myself. I thought about how much being a mother changed my life...how it saved me and how hard it was being a single mother. I thanked my mother, in Spirit, for her support in those early years...and thought about how I never could've done it without her. I thought about how thankful I am to have had a daughter and recalled the amazing experience of witnessing the birth of my daughter's daughter and basked in the glory of how wonderful it is the be a grandmother. And because of this, it was a beautiful day and I did not feel sad that my mother was not here, because I could feel her near and she was happy to know that I was not spending the day missing her, but honoring the essence of Motherhood with Love and Joy.
Happy Mother's Day to all. I hope you had a joyous day as well <3
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