As we are just hours away from the Vernal Equinox. At 12:30 AM EST and 9:30 PM PST, 4:30 AM GMT, our Sun crosses the very first degree of the zodiac, 0 Aries, known as the Aries Point, or First Point. At an energetic level, life is about to begin anew as we return to the beginning of our zodiac. During this time, a tremendous surge of pure, potent life force is released into our energy field as we pass the First Point which is known as the single most dynamic degree in our sky. The astrological chart for this moment maps not just the day it occurs, but describes the energy patterns of both the season and the year to come as well. According to, here’s what this year’s Equinox portends:
* A time of cosmic realignment for our world – and for your life. In the last century, only eight Aries Equinoxes have occurred in the highly charged period between a solar and lunar eclipse. This year begins as you’re in the midst of an evolutionary re-boot. We all are.
* A rich and potent interplay of the Sacred Masculine and Cosmic Feminine energies at the heart of life. Just three days after the Aries Equinox -- one of the most important Sacred Masculine events of the year – a potent Cosmic Feminine event occurs, at Wednesday’s Libra Lunar Eclipse (watch your inbox for more on this rite of revelation).
* Growing impatience with the way things are, charged with activity, and larger than life passion – perhaps even stridency. Once the Sun arrives in Aries, half the planetary energy in the solar system will be in fire signs.
With the Sun in Aries, our hearts are ready to be reborn. Uranus there too continues his seven-year mission to liberate you—and us all -- from the past, while Mars in Sagittarius takes action that is far-reaching and in service of your vision. The presence of Saturn, the Lord of Karma, there tells us we’re all learning big lessons this year about our relationship to the cosmic energy of fire. Our passion, our intuition, our vitality, and our assertive drive -- these are the teachers the Equinox brings to our lives.
* It may be hard to step back and see things from others’ viewpoints, with just a single planet (Venus) in an air sign (Aquarius). Only two planets in earth signs means that staying grounded amid all the shifts will take some persistence.
* Nothing is fixed this year. Everything is in flux, shifting in the depths within and around us as old pattern unravel so that we can begin to reweave new ones. We're about to experience that in a big way on Wednesday, when the In this Equinox sky, all five of the visible planets who shape the energetic structures of our lives – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter -- are in the mutable signs of Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These are restless signs, thriving on change. They’ll bring a kaleidoscopic quality to the coming year.
* That means you’ll be relying on your deep lunar intelligence, and the truth of your heart, as never before to help us stay the course. Just one planet – the Moon – in a fixed sign means you’re less likely to feel stuck this year than in a long time
* The beginnings you make this year can take you beyond the boundaries that have limited you in the past. The Equinox powerfully activates an exact alignment of the centaur Pholus – whose medicine helps us to go beyond the limitations of the past – with the Galactic Center and its source frequencies.
As the Sun crosses the Aries Point, the Leo Moon is Void of Course. She’ll make no further contacts with her cosmic sister and brothers until Sunday at 5:40 PM GMT {1:40 PM EDT and 10:40 AM PDT }, when she enters Virgo.Until then, she’s in the fertile void -- creating even more freedom to move beyond old limitations and embody new potentials.
In the Void with the Cosmic Heart: Time to Make Some Magic:
In the hours between this moment and the Equinox, the Sun will be moving through a degree that carries a magic unlike any other -- 29 Pisces, the last degree in the zodiac. Wherever our Star is, your own heart is always resonating with him. Moving through the zodiac’s last degree today, he’s inviting you into the space between realities, the fertile void where old realities dissolve and new ones are born.
And so is your heart, your direct pipeline to the Cosmic Heart:
With Luna in Leo, the sign of the heart, and Mercury in Pisces, always resonating with the Oneness, these hours before the Equinox are the perfect time to speak from your heart and your mind to the heart of the Universe. Speak your deep intention to the Great Mystery. Offer your deepest fears, to be transformed in the Cosmic Heart. Ask for what you need most.
Tomorrow, March 20, Venus will conjoin Neptune in Pisces. At each year’s Venus-Neptune conjunction, the veils between Matter and Spirit rise. When it happens in Pisces, it’s no ordinary meeting. This is where the magnetic Queen of Heaven is exalted and where Neptune, the Cosmic Dreamer, is at maximum potency.
On Monday, March 23, as Mercury moves through 29 Pisces, let him guide your perceptions through the fertile void of the zodiac’s Omega Point.
As the Sun and Mercury activates the energy of the last year’s total solar eclipse within just two days, you may notice new understanding of the changes that were set in motion within and around you last spring.
Join the Cosmic Dance:
Everywhere within you and around you in the days and months ahead, the Cosmic Feminine and her Sacred Masculine are rising in a suffering world that's hanging by a thread. They’re ready to dance, to relate, to create -- and to begin anew.
So, we continue to have some exciting energies to carry us through this extremely mutable year as we enter into Spring, here in the North. I, for one am looking forward to seeing what this magical time and our Divinely inspired action bring forth as we move ahead into the new season. Many blessings, and HAPPY SPRING, my dear friend. Much Love and Light <3
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