Equinox-Eclipse: the corridor of truth
Coming into this next planetary season we are bumping up against some major changes as the celestial heavens prepare to display one of the most phenomenal passages in human history.
Because we are moving so rapidly (perceptually) through time and space at this moment on earth, we are often unable to fully realize the scope and magnitude of such changes until they appear in the physical dimensions. According to my Sources, this is what 2016 heralds…beginning with the spring (in the north) and the cyclical emergence of new life.
Since we moved into March and I pulled inward to observe my process and the incoming energies, I have been hearing over and again that “everything is about to change” and that “there has never been a moment like this earth”.
I have also been hearing that “this moment, right now, is why so many who were here in the very beginning are back for THE END (of an age)”….that it was our promise to earth and humanity that we would one day return to fulfill our destiny as Suns of GOD, to pave the paths and build the structures needed to support all others in their remembrance, and to assist the planet in her own journey to becoming a divine solar being.
In other words, for some, this is our entire human journey made manifest in THIS lifetime…and it begins now (this year). It is the reward for thousands of lifetimes in-the-making, and the reality of this is becoming tangible. However trite, this is THE moment we have been waiting for…not just for the last few decades, but for an entire odyssey of life experience as unconscious earthlings.
We are in what is being called “the grand finale moment”…an ending of epic proportion (like, literally so) that is piggybacked with an astounding new beginning of human experience, the likes of which this planet has never seen. And as we venture into the next several weeks each of us will be called to rise up into a new level of consciousness.
For those who chose embodiment, this will mean a release of the lower world, a severing of the 3D timeline which will result in the unification of spirit and matter. This merger is the requisite for the unfolding of the higher body consciousness, that which will activate the new body technologies that the star beings have spoken about in past reports.
After this takes place I am told that we can expect the new human form to begin its own unique journey of realization which means those (mentally, emotionally & spiritually) prepared will go thru a series of biological mutations required to sustain our 5th dimensional chakra system and (christ) body of light in the world of form. Apparently this could create a euphoric-like state as those prepared to enter the light fulfill their contracts of service in the 3D world, and in that release, can fully engage with their divine missions of the 5D world. (read: this is what we came here for)
And while this remembrance of divine truth may be quite an ecstatic experience, I am also made aware that there is coming a moment where that disconnection/reconnection process will greatly affect the world consciousness grid. Because of this, we are being called to stay awake and use discernment in our daily dealings, as we move thru an even more accelerated period of collective unrest.
In the coming days we will be urged to pay close attention to the ways in which we are beginning to adapt to new life, to the world around us, as we become clear, conscious conduits of Source. The next few months leading us to the solstice will be a time of balancing our new divine-human experience with those around us, learning how to engage with the world we are “in but not of”, from our newly awakening perspective born of the GOD mind.
All in all, there will be much to behold for each of us in our own way according to the galactics…and for the next 4 weeks in particular we will be the witness to a lot of “newness”, both within ourselves and in the world around us.
In this special report gifted to us from the Spiritual Hierarchy (the governing body of ascended masters directing the spiritual evolution of all those who desire to reunite with divine/GOD consciousness), the wayshowers are finally given the “hall pass” to enter the light.
Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely
From the March edition of OM Times Magazine
by Ahtayaa Leigh
Many lightworkers were anticipating a clear shift in consciousness immediately following December 21st 2012, without realizing that it was just one of many time gates in the Divine Plan of Planetary Purification and the inception of the New Golden Age of Earth. Not only did it appear that mass consciousness did not awaken, humanity seemed to get even more degraded. Why? 2012 was just the beginning of the final phase of the purification process and as with any purification process things look worse before they get better. But don’t despair, we are now entering a three year period between 2016 and 2018 when the old paradigm is interfacing with the inception of the New Earth. We’re birthing a New Age of peace, harmony, balance, unconditional love and abundance for all through our hearts and dissolving the old paradigm with our Love. The Golden Age is rising like a phoenix from the ashes.
2012 was zero point for the activation of the New Earth and the mass ascension of consciousness. It was the balancing point of a 12 year time gate (activation portal). Six years leading up to 2012 and six years after 2012.
The six years leading up to 2012 saw a massive increase in lightworkers being awakened and guided to their missions. Many have been called to sacred sites and ancient portals to play their part in the activation of the Christ Consciousness Grid. The Christ Consciousness Grid, also known as the 144 Crystalline Grid, is Gaia’s crystalline energy body, and like our energy bodies it is made up of chakras, ley lines and meridian points. These are the power points around the globe where energy is received, focused and distributed. The health of Gaia’s light body determines the health of mass consciousness. For a long time the consciousness of humanity has been restricted by the unnatural time system we know as the gregorian calendar.
The Mayan Prophecy predicted the end of this false time system and a return to the Universal Laws of Time. In other words, the way time is perceived is about to change resulting in a shift in mass consciousness. We’re being taken back to nature, where we not only live in alignment with the Earth’s natural rhythms but also with the energy flow of the entire Universe. We will no longer be ruled by clocks in the ‘Time is Money’ paradigm, instead we will be guided by synchronicity in the ‘Time is Art’ paradigm. (for more info see the Tzolkin Mayan Calendar System)
Since 2013 – 2015 we have been experiencing what is known in esoteric circles as the Apocalypse, a time of great revelation and cleansing upon the Earth that brings with it destruction. As part of the cleansing process negative energies are brought to the surface then transmuted and cleansed from Creation, both collectively and individually. Rather than manifest as a worldwide catastrophe the apocalypse has manifested in the heart breaking situations we see in the world today, such as the crisis in Syria. As Lightworkers it is important that we view worldwide events and personal challenges from the higher perspective of the Divine Plan. The higher purpose of these situations is to allow the negative energy trapped in the current reality (or paradigm) to come to the surface to be transmuted. This is the job of the transmuters amongst us. We’re here to focus our unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance upon these situations and let the corresponding Golden Light energy that is pouring into the grid system break down the dense energies that feed war, violence and destruction transmuting them into peace, love and forgiveness.
From 2016 to 2018 the amount of Golden Light being dispensed from the Great Central Sun is rapidly increasing, triggering even deeper awakenings within humanity and a greater awareness of our interconnectedness. As the crystalline grid comes fully online, the old paradigm grid system is being dissolved and the light memories held within the Libraries of Light are again capable of being accessed and perceived by humanity. As a lightworker, it’s important that you don’t get caught up on ‘how’ the new paradigm is going to appear but rather trust that when the living libraries are revealed all will become clear.
What does this mean for you as a Lightworker?
If transmutation is part of your mission the next three years will be active for you, and yes it won’t always be easy, much like the last three years! As an activated lightworker you will find yourself in situations and energies that require you to transmute them. By now you are probably becoming quite skilled (after lots of practice!) in the art of transmutation, keeping the peace even when things around you appear to be falling apart. Always remember that you are a strong soul who was selected for this work for a reason. You are an experienced transmuter having done this job for many lifetimes. You have the courage and strength within your soul to bring peace and love to any situation. Know that whatever you are going through is temporary and with great purpose. You are an amazing Being of Light and you are loved more than you can imagine. Keep peace and balance in your life and the process of transmutation will pass by effortlessly and with speed. Remember that by living the values of peace, forgiveness, harmony and unconditional love in your life you ground these energies into the whole of Creation, melding Heaven and Earth.
To make life easier during this time maintain a close connection with God and your family of Light. Call upon all the support you need from the seen and unseen realms. Your family in the higher realms is awaiting your request for more assistance, oblige them. Ask them to help you embody the Golden Light of Source and ask them to help you clear your energy field of all energies that are of less than 100% Love and Light. Live and breathe God and the next three years will be a breeze.
Ahtayaa Leigh is a Spiritual Alchemist, Gold Ray Healer and Ascension Guide. Following the call of Great Spirit she has travelled the world participating in light activations and global healing. Her life work is committed to supporting others on their journey of awakening. Learn more about her at www.worldofhealing.com and connect on Facebook at Ahtayaa Leigh
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