Lunar Eclipse Dates and Times:
March 23rd 8:02 a.m EST (New York)
March 23rd 5:02 a.m. PST (Los Angeles)
March 23rd 12:02 p.m. UTC (London)
March 23rd 11:02 p.m. AEDT (Sydney)
March 23rd 5:32 p.m. IST (Delhi)
A powerful, life-changing Full Moon Eclipse is just hours away! This is one you want to pay attention to. The effect of this celestial celebration will influence your life for at least six months (up to two years if the eclipse falls on a sensitive spot in your birth chart!).
Eclipses concentrate our experience on Earth – as if a lot of your life is packed into a short period of time! They represent turning points … sometimes you are unconsciously swept up into a moment that changes everything, and other times you consciously engage in manifesting the change.
These past two weeks have been an astounding opportunity for you let go and make changes. When the Sun eclipsed the New Moon in Pisces on March 8/9, we started breaking down old patterns. Eclipse cycles are the easiest times to release past patterns – and build new ones. What were you doing around the first eclipse on March 8 and March 9? Something was put in motion at that time for this current two-week shift in your life.
Now take note what you experience around March 23, and the days on both sides of the eclipse – they really leave an imprint on your life! Eclipses magnify everything you experience… Open your soul to exploring something deeply, something you love. If that means staying up longer than usual, or getting up earlier, or changing plans to accommodate nourishing your body, mind and soul – DO THAT. You are setting NEW patterns in place right now that are instrumental in taking you over the threshold… You may be transitioning from one period of your life into the next phase…guide the energy, consciously.
And take yourself back to April, 2014 for a moment. That was when the first Libra Lunar Eclipse began this current two-year cycle. What was going on in your life two years ago? Make note of it, since you are now bringing that experience FULL circle with the Full Moon Eclipse now. Since April 2014 we’ve lived through several Aries-Libra Eclipse cycles. And this one, on March 23, brings the cycle to an end.
Eclipses concentrate our experience on Earth – as if a lot of your life is packed into a short period of time! They represent turning points … sometimes you are unconsciously swept up into a moment that changes everything, and other times you consciously engage in manifesting the change.
These past two weeks have been an astounding opportunity for you let go and make changes. When the Sun eclipsed the New Moon in Pisces on March 8/9, we started breaking down old patterns. Eclipse cycles are the easiest times to release past patterns – and build new ones. What were you doing around the first eclipse on March 8 and March 9? Something was put in motion at that time for this current two-week shift in your life.
Now take note what you experience around March 23, and the days on both sides of the eclipse – they really leave an imprint on your life! Eclipses magnify everything you experience… Open your soul to exploring something deeply, something you love. If that means staying up longer than usual, or getting up earlier, or changing plans to accommodate nourishing your body, mind and soul – DO THAT. You are setting NEW patterns in place right now that are instrumental in taking you over the threshold… You may be transitioning from one period of your life into the next phase…guide the energy, consciously.
And take yourself back to April, 2014 for a moment. That was when the first Libra Lunar Eclipse began this current two-year cycle. What was going on in your life two years ago? Make note of it, since you are now bringing that experience FULL circle with the Full Moon Eclipse now. Since April 2014 we’ve lived through several Aries-Libra Eclipse cycles. And this one, on March 23, brings the cycle to an end.
This Lunar eclipse culminates the past two years of your life – releasing a big SURGE of energy. You’ve thought about many things in the past two years. Now it’s time to bring them into action. To shake things up. The Full Moon symbolism invokes the culmination theme to an even greater degree. All can be resolved. You are being set free. Right Now.
Eclipses come in pairs, and the Full Moon in the sign of Libra on March 23rd (check the time/date for your location below) brings a Lunar Eclipse on the Libra-Aries axis.
This is the culmination of the eclipse energy birthed during the solar eclipse in Pisces on March 8th.
A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned in syzygy—three celestial bodies aligned to form a straight line—and the Earth blocks some of the Sun’s light from the surface of the moon creating a shadow. (Visually, this eclipse will be subtle, but still visible in North America, most of South America, Australia and most of Asia.)
Eclipse season brings extra power and heat to our lunar events and how they impact us. We often feel the eclipses as endings, beginnings and major energetic shifts in our lives.
Here we are, on the brink of the cherry on top of this recent cycle—the Lunar Eclipse. Mercury is involved here too, tightly conjunct the Sun in Aries (opposite the Libra Moon), and Uranus is also conjunct the Sun by sign in Aries. In some way, this Lunar Eclipse in Libra is the period at the end of the sentence. It is not the end of the book (although for some of us, something major enough may be culminating for it to feel like that!), but there is definitely value in a moment of pause at this time to look around and see what was unearthed, rebirthed, or cycled away in these past months. The sign of Libra is known for her focus on balance, harmony, beauty and friendship.
Think of the bright light of the Libra Full Moon as a spotlight showing us the truth of where we’ve been since last March and the divine trajectory of where we might be headed. It is the moment for a full inventory—not just the two weeks since the Solar Eclipse, but the overarching cycle of the last year, and the mini-review cycles within that (such as retrograde periods).
Eclipses come in pairs, and the Full Moon in the sign of Libra on March 23rd (check the time/date for your location below) brings a Lunar Eclipse on the Libra-Aries axis.
This is the culmination of the eclipse energy birthed during the solar eclipse in Pisces on March 8th.
A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned in syzygy—three celestial bodies aligned to form a straight line—and the Earth blocks some of the Sun’s light from the surface of the moon creating a shadow. (Visually, this eclipse will be subtle, but still visible in North America, most of South America, Australia and most of Asia.)
Eclipse season brings extra power and heat to our lunar events and how they impact us. We often feel the eclipses as endings, beginnings and major energetic shifts in our lives.
Here we are, on the brink of the cherry on top of this recent cycle—the Lunar Eclipse. Mercury is involved here too, tightly conjunct the Sun in Aries (opposite the Libra Moon), and Uranus is also conjunct the Sun by sign in Aries. In some way, this Lunar Eclipse in Libra is the period at the end of the sentence. It is not the end of the book (although for some of us, something major enough may be culminating for it to feel like that!), but there is definitely value in a moment of pause at this time to look around and see what was unearthed, rebirthed, or cycled away in these past months. The sign of Libra is known for her focus on balance, harmony, beauty and friendship.
Think of the bright light of the Libra Full Moon as a spotlight showing us the truth of where we’ve been since last March and the divine trajectory of where we might be headed. It is the moment for a full inventory—not just the two weeks since the Solar Eclipse, but the overarching cycle of the last year, and the mini-review cycles within that (such as retrograde periods).
This is one of the great “power portals” of the year in the Cosmic Weather and this year that designation has gone up a notch. How so? Well we opened up the season with the New Moon in Pisces, along with four other planets at that time which ushered in some MAJOR healing and transcendent energy. We are still feeling the effects of three planets and Chiron in Pisces making a contact to the South Node. This is all about where we’ve been more than where we’re going, but in this case the two can be intertwined as a new path emerges.
Eclipses placed in between the Equinox open a powerful gateway of energy.
We are in a “9” Universal Year of endings and generally wrapping things up cosmically and karmically. As we step through this portal gateway, we want to be traveling lighter, being especially mindful of the messages and insights that arise. That’s what the energies of February and earlier this month have been about; showing us areas that are up for healing, draining our energies or that we have simply outgrown. It is the mind that may attribute drama or suffering to these endings, but we know better, on a soul level, that all is well, despite outer appearances. As we approach a whole new cycle (“1”) beginning in 2017, what is coming up may seem daunting or even frightening, but the Universe is really quite wise. We have a golden opportunity this year through these portals to shed what has run its course in our lives and to step into higher levels of personal awareness and empowerment.
This is one of the great “power portals” of the year in the Cosmic Weather and this year that designation has gone up a notch. How so? Well we opened up the season with the New Moon in Pisces, along with four other planets at that time which ushered in some MAJOR healing and transcendent energy. We are still feeling the effects of three planets and Chiron in Pisces making a contact to the South Node. This is all about where we’ve been more than where we’re going, but in this case the two can be intertwined as a new path emerges.
Eclipses placed in between the Equinox open a powerful gateway of energy.
We are in a “9” Universal Year of endings and generally wrapping things up cosmically and karmically. As we step through this portal gateway, we want to be traveling lighter, being especially mindful of the messages and insights that arise. That’s what the energies of February and earlier this month have been about; showing us areas that are up for healing, draining our energies or that we have simply outgrown. It is the mind that may attribute drama or suffering to these endings, but we know better, on a soul level, that all is well, despite outer appearances. As we approach a whole new cycle (“1”) beginning in 2017, what is coming up may seem daunting or even frightening, but the Universe is really quite wise. We have a golden opportunity this year through these portals to shed what has run its course in our lives and to step into higher levels of personal awareness and empowerment.
Let's DO IT! ;)
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