"This full moon is all about the climax point of a story that began months, or possibly even years ago."
"This is the final full moon of an eclipse phase which began in September 2015. The two weeks leading up to the new eclipse phase beginning on March 8 will therefore be a time of completion. Outstanding issues need to be put to bed so you can start a new journey with the lest amount of emotional baggage."
"The more loose ends that need tidying up, the greater the feeling and anxiety you will feel, as if leaving your homework until the last minute. Putting off things can lead to an escalation in conditions to a point of crisis as the March 8 solar eclipse approaches. "
"The major theme resulting from the combined effects of the September 2015 solar eclipse and lunar eclipse is the healing of a broken heart." https://tiffany934.wordpress.com/2016/02/18/full-moon-in-virgofebruary-22nd-2016/
“We are one life, all of us. What happens outside and around us occurs also within and through us. The notion that things happen to us and we must respond is a distorted reflection of being. Instead it is we who happen to life – in all our glory – creating the world as we go.
“We may feel great resistance to the message of this Moon, for she places vast responsibility at our feet which could feel like blame if we’re not careful.
“Her light illuminates our role in every moment of our lives: the creative power we bring to every breath and each event.
“She sees no victims, no fate, not a single moment of bad luck or good fortune, only ourselves as whirlwinds of light and dark, energy and entropy, action and reaction, movement and rest.
“She reminds us we are shaped from the very stuff of stars, formed from the building blocks of the universe, born of infinity and eternity, boundless presence and sacred source.
“She asks that we let go the tiny mind which traps us in me and you, good and bad, unlucky and favored, and the myriad ways we reduce the vast spectacle of infinitude into a manageable equation to quell our fear.
“This is a challenging Moon, but also a comforting one. Which face we encounter will depend largely upon our focus.
“If we allow our minds and hearts to be absorbed in thoughts and feelings of loss, regret, disappointment, recrimination or blame then we may struggle now, sensing that life is so far beyond our control that any effort to continue on is lost in the chaos of life out of balance.
“If, however, we open our hearts to the cooling rain or warming sun, the subtle movement of the seasons who, in following their own nature remind us how to follow ours, we will find support from Mother Earth herself. http://www.mysticmamma.com/full-moon-in-virgo-february-
And, from the lovely Tania Gabrielle: "Happy Virgo FULL MOON! This is an 11-22 code celebration where the full moon takes place on a 22 Day in an 11 Universal Month. Having both 11 and 22 "Master Numbers" activated at ONCE in Virgo and Pisces puts a major emphasis on manifesting and healing.
With Sun & Neptune in Pisces, and Moon & Jupiter in Virgo, ask yourself: "What is my abundance dream?" and begin to make it come true.
With Sun & Neptune in Pisces, and Moon & Jupiter in Virgo, ask yourself: "What is my abundance dream?" and begin to make it come true.
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