Luminous bodies
Aligned in Aquarius
The Dark of the Moon
Every month, when our Heavenly Luminaries, the Sun and Moon, occupy the same Astrological sign, we have what is known as a New Moon. The Sun shines it's light on the side of the Moon facing away from us, so that we cannot see it from our beautiful Earth home. The New Moon represents the end of one moon cycle and the beginning of a new 28 day cycle. With the Sun conjunct the Moon, their energies are combined, enhancing their individual power and creative forces and opening up the possibility of creating anew. It is like a blank page of the Universe upon which you may write your dreams and visions. The New Moon is a great time make a fresh start, to create a "to do" list, initiate new beginnings and set intentions for what you want to manifest, create, and cultivate over the next cycle and beyond. It is a potent time for focusing on manifesting because there is a concentration of celestial energies gathered in one particular sign. There can also be a tendency to be impulsive and overly enthusiastic at this time and get carried away with intentions, so don't be discouraged if not all of them come to fruition.
This New Moon occurs, at 19 degrees Aquarius, on February 8th, at 9:39 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. One aspect involved in this moon is that the Sun is square Mars, which may cause some irritability, impatience, the urge to lash out and/or be more aggressive than usual and can lead to feelings of anger, resentment and sexual frustration. This combined with the New Moon tendency toward impulsiveness can make for some challenging energies. I know that, for me, the past couple of days I've been feeling a little too much of the Warrior planet's, scratchy energies, and, being a Cancerian, Mar's fieriness tends to be a little too hot for my watery nature which makes me CRANKY and irritiable (or are those both the same thing?) I have been feeling somehwhat out of sorts the past couple of days and finding it very difficult to concentrate and focus (it is taking me forever to write this blog because I can't keep myself from distracting
But Aquarius is the Water Bearer and she a cleansing and the winds of change that herald a new beginning. According to Astrologist Kelley Rosano:
By learning to work with the naturally occurring flow of the Universe, we can tap into the Universal force of Creation that is our Divine birthright to utilize and live happier, more fulfilling and ''successful'' lives here on the face of Gaia. So, go ahead, and be fearless, allow yourself to dream and set some intentions for this New Moon. Blessed be, dear friends <3
This New Moon occurs, at 19 degrees Aquarius, on February 8th, at 9:39 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. One aspect involved in this moon is that the Sun is square Mars, which may cause some irritability, impatience, the urge to lash out and/or be more aggressive than usual and can lead to feelings of anger, resentment and sexual frustration. This combined with the New Moon tendency toward impulsiveness can make for some challenging energies. I know that, for me, the past couple of days I've been feeling a little too much of the Warrior planet's, scratchy energies, and, being a Cancerian, Mar's fieriness tends to be a little too hot for my watery nature which makes me CRANKY and irritiable (or are those both the same thing?) I have been feeling somehwhat out of sorts the past couple of days and finding it very difficult to concentrate and focus (it is taking me forever to write this blog because I can't keep myself from distracting
But Aquarius is the Water Bearer and she a cleansing and the winds of change that herald a new beginning. According to Astrologist Kelley Rosano:
“This is your moment to acknowledge how far you have come. Where you are now and where you want to go. Is it time for you too boldly go where you have not gone?”
“…Aquarius reminds you to follow the beat of your own drum. Be unique. Be original. Be who you really are…Love you more than the need for approval of others. Love your creative side. Love your weird self. Love you...”
“The change you want to see in the world begins with you. Change your mind. You change your life. See your challenges from a different perspective. See your trials as opportunities for growth. They build muscle and make you strong. They keep your life fresh and lively.
“Your life can be much freer than you may have realized. In this way, new opportunities will emerge for you. Believe in your dreams coming true. Believe…
“Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius…Having Saturn supporting the New Moon gives you strength and endurance.
“You are to balance your emotional needs with your sense of obligation. You are to get your ducks in a row. Saturn encourages you to be focused and disciplined.
“You can accomplish a great deal. You are not in the mood to be frivolous. You will be in an orderly state of mind. You may have a strong sense of self-discipline. This is a smart approach to the New Moon and New Year.”
© Copyright 2016 ~KELLEY ROSANO All Rights Reserved

By learning to work with the naturally occurring flow of the Universe, we can tap into the Universal force of Creation that is our Divine birthright to utilize and live happier, more fulfilling and ''successful'' lives here on the face of Gaia. So, go ahead, and be fearless, allow yourself to dream and set some intentions for this New Moon. Blessed be, dear friends <3
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