What is this whole Leap Year thing about anyhow?
"A Leap Year happens once every four years and was created back in 45BC by Julius Caesar as a way to balance out the inconsistencies in the calendar. Because the 29th of February only happens once every four years, many people believe that the day holds significant spiritual power. From a numerological stand point, 29 breaks down to 11 (2+9), which is known in many new age spiritual communities as being a number of awakening and spiritual enlightenment. Even though we have a 29 in every month, the 29th of February (2) is a rare combination of numbers and therefore a rare energy to experience. In numerology, 2 is the number of pursuing your soul purpose or mission. It carries with it a feminine energy that helps us to birth our creations and bring our ideas into the physical world. When 11 (29th) and 2 (February) come together, their energy forms to create a powerful time for love, healing and teaching. In fact, these numbers represent the arrival of the spiritual light messenger and it is likely that if we are open and aware, we may receive some guidance on our path moving forward."
"We're the first humans since 1860 to be alive when Neptune is here, in his home sign, speaking his own language, walking through the part of your inner sky that belongs to him.
And to Twin Flames 11:11 has this to say:
"Many numerologist also believe that because the 29th of February is such a rare vibration, it causes a type of ripple effect within us. This ripple almost creates an opportunity for us to “leap” forward in this moment in time and play catch up in our own lives. A leap day allows us extra time to get things done and this creates a vibrational impact on the dimension of time in the Universe. Before the clock was invented, the ancients not only looked to the Sun and the stars for guidance, but they also viewed synchronistic events as the way the Universe communicated movements in time. These synchronistic events included seeing messages in nature, in the behaviour of animals, in the tides of the ocean and also in the wind."
"With this leap in time that is given to us this year in February, it is important to observe any synchronicities that occur and whether they can provide to you clues about your own path of awakening and purpose. This is especially important if you are trying to make sense of what energy February 29 has in store for you, as nature and the world around us are always a mirror to our own experiences. Walking though February 29 is almost like walking through a rare portal that is only accessible to us every four years."
"With this leap in time that is given to us this year in February, it is important to observe any synchronicities that occur and whether they can provide to you clues about your own path of awakening and purpose. This is especially important if you are trying to make sense of what energy February 29 has in store for you, as nature and the world around us are always a mirror to our own experiences. Walking though February 29 is almost like walking through a rare portal that is only accessible to us every four years."
"It doesn't get much more Piscean than a Sun-Neptune conjunction in the zodiac's final sign. Planets that are here take you as close to the Oneness as you can get in the realm of embodied reality. No planet is more potent here than Neptune -- this is the sign that he rules. Here, he speaks his own language."
"Neptune is easy to underestimate. He can never be directly captured in form, only evoked -- through color, sound, image, and mood. The heart's compassion, the soul's yearning, the felt sense of the ethereal and eternal -- these are the Mystic's footprints. Whenever he's in the room, edges soften and boundaries blur."
"We're the first humans since 1860 to be alive when Neptune is here, in his home sign, speaking his own language, walking through the part of your inner sky that belongs to him.
And to Twin Flames 11:11 has this to say:
"As the Sun in Pisces conjuncts powerful Neptune – the ruler of Pisces – this week, these soul connections and the metaphysical communication realms are wide open more than any other time.
"The Sun/Neptune “team” also oppose Jupiter, indicating that we’re being stirred and challenged by the higher realms right now – to remember above all, why we’re here. If you’ve been feeling unclear on your “mission” or your life’s direction lately, expect to get some clarity now."
"Saturn’s involvement indicates that finding your soul path might first involve cutting ties to what is OUT of alignment with you – in other words, you might find your way to your own self by first figuring out what has NOT been working."
"Old outworn identities, beliefs, ideas… Try taking an overview of your life from recent years and evaluate what makes your heart sing versus what drains you."
"These are heightened times for astral journeys, dream exploration, creativity. If you journal or create music or other art, expect to receive more direct input from your soul now. This can be a very intensely “spiritual time”. Take some time to center yourself and explore the expression of your inner self."
"Saturn’s involvement indicates that finding your soul path might first involve cutting ties to what is OUT of alignment with you – in other words, you might find your way to your own self by first figuring out what has NOT been working."
"Old outworn identities, beliefs, ideas… Try taking an overview of your life from recent years and evaluate what makes your heart sing versus what drains you."
"These are heightened times for astral journeys, dream exploration, creativity. If you journal or create music or other art, expect to receive more direct input from your soul now. This can be a very intensely “spiritual time”. Take some time to center yourself and explore the expression of your inner self."
It sounds like we've got some really exciting energies happening this week! I, for one and planning on making the most of them and look forward to seeing what they bring! Many blessings <3
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