Back on January 11th, I wrote about beginning the M.I.N.D. (Montague Institute for New Directions) training that I am currently doing in which an amazing group of 11 women met for our first of 12, 3 hour meetings in which we help one another to define and refine our individual goals in order to find the courage to step more fully into our power and bring our dreams to life. I knew that this opportunity was divinely guided and magical from the beginning (I had signed up for it in October, knowing was starting sometime in January, and had had a sense of excited anticipation about it for 3 months). The fortuitous timing of our first meeting on 1/11 and the fact that there were 11 of us women at that first meeting seemed to confirm my suspicion of it being a divinely guided magical mystery ride. As I said in 1/11 entry, "Master number 11 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, illumination, visionary, enthusiasm, creativity, self-expression, sensitivity, and mysticism. It tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose. Angel Number 11 is a message from your angels to pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Your positive affirmations and optimistic attitude will manifest your desires and help you to achieve your goals and aspirations. They will also assist you upon your spiritual life purpose and soul mission. Repeating Angel Number 11 encourages you to be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your Lightwork." I left the training that first week feeling incredibly excited about the next 3 months with this inspiring group of women and all the possibilities this exploration was poised to bring.
We had a two week break between sessions and during that time, I began working with Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle cards which I had recently been compelled to buy (I have read Tarot for over 30 years) as I had been feeling called to learn more about and connect with the Archangels. On the morning of the second session, I had a powerful reading before leaving home and felt a very strong connection to them. Then, I had an interesting adventure getting to Turners which involved arriving early and walking around the town I grew up in, and where I had lived during the ''dark night of my soul'' time. A stroll down memory lane on a beautiful, sunny, but chilly morning left me contemplating my past, and thinking about how much my process of awakening had changed me in these past few years. And then, in our session one thing we did was to draw an image form when we were 12,24 and 36 and this brought me further down the rabbit hole of remembering who I used to be, which was interesting. We also chose an image, a card from a collection of them, that represented how we see ourselves...who we are. I chose this one
Ultimately we came up with a statement of who we are in the world, and mine was: "I am a bridge between Dimensions, fearlessly bringing Love and Light into the World for the benefit of Gaia and All that Is."
After our session ended, I went over to look at the books in the lending library and instantly spotted one by, none other than, Doreen Virtue, called "The Angel Therapy Handbook." I got ''truth bumps'' as I picked it up and looked it over. I signed it out and have been working with both the cards and the book this past week and feeling very connected to and lovingly supported by the amazing energies of the Archangels.
When we met this week, we did a similar exercise, where, we first picked a card that represented where we felt we were right now in life. I chose two images because each one lacked something that the other seemed to contain and singularly neither one seemed quite right. Then, later, we chose an image to represent where were were going...where we wanted to be. After that, we were given paper and pastels, told to put our "now" image on the left side of the paper, and our future image on the right, and asked to create a bridge between here and there...between where we are and where we want to be. We first were instructed to cover the sheet with white and then create a foundation of color from which our bridge would emerge. At first, I had a hard time with this. I tend to get a little befuddled when asked to draw something because I have never really learned how to draw very well. For me, it was in interesting exercise in letting go of my intellectual process and trusting my intuitive one. As I deepened my connection to the process, my bridge became clear and created an image that felt just right. Here is what I had at the end:
My bridge is a spiral, because I do not see life as linear, and what I need on my journey to the future is represented by the heart (Love) in the center which is radiating Light. The white dot in the center of the heart represents where I currently am on this journey and shows that I AM currently centered in Love and Light and in the center of my own spiral. And when it was complete, it looked and felt completely perfect and made absolute sense to me.
When I got home later, I needed to find a spot to put my drawing and decided to temporarily rest it against a mirror, on the dresser, in my living room, behind my Buddha statue, crystal ball and my mother's southwestern creche that I still haven't put away yet, until I could find a proper place to hang it. A little while later, I walked back into the living room and when I looked at the picture I could swear I could see what looked like the outline of an angel coming down from the heart in the center standing behind Buddha. At first I thought perhaps the pastels had smudged and the white was coming through but then I realized that it was cause by the light from overhead reflecting through the crystal ball and around the Buddha, and it was, in fact in the shape of an angel!
I felt so incredibly blessed and thankful at that moment, as I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt (pun, that this was a sign from my beloved angels that I am being Divinely guided on this path of my Sacred mission and that I am held and protected and Loved beyond measure. I know, for certain now that working with the Archangels will always be an important part of my Spiritual practice from now on, and that I am being called to help share their gifts with the world in some capacity in the future. I am honored and so incredibly blessed to have such guidance and assurance and I AM so very grateful <3
Angel blessings to you and yours, my friends and thank you for sharing this beautiful journey with me.
~Namaste <3
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