Beltane is a time to honor Life as it pours forth from Gaia's womb. It is the peak of Spring, the energies of the Earth are strong, and after the slow coming forth of early Spring, the green things are suddenly burgeoning with Life as the plants and flowers and trees burst forth with their beauty and fill our world with color and more shades of green than one ever thought possible. We have moved from the place of potential, in the Wheel of the Year, to that of conception and all of Life is bursting with potent fertility. On May Eve, the sexuality of Life and the Earth is at it's peak. An abundance of fertility abounds as the Maiden Goddess has ripened to Her fullness and comes together with the Horned God (as the Oak King) in the act of the Sacred Marriage where She becomes pregnant with Life that will grow and flourish within her womb over the coming months as the Maiden ripens into the Mother Goddess. It is symbolic of planting the seed that we will nurture throughout the summer and into the fall, bringing forth the bountiful Harvest that will sustain us through the long, dark Winter. Sensuality, passion, vitality and joy abound on Beltane Eve.
There are many fun traditions and rituals associated with Beltane. Here are some links with more info if you're interested:

Whether or not your celebrate Beltane, it is a great time to conceive of new, why not take some time this weekend to do a bit of day dreaming about what it is you'd like to conceive this growing season ;) Bright Blessings for a beautiful Beltane, my friends <3