Spring Ephemerals!
Blooms don't last for very long.
Photos eternal!
Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers are, as the name would indicate, fleeting. I try to get out and see (and photograph) them every year. This year, I was delighted to receive an email from Nancy Hazard, of Greening Greenfield, announcing a walk to explore the area I usually go to see them. I suspected it was a bit early for my favorite, the Wild Red Trillium but signed up and was excited to share the wisdom of some other locals about these Spring beauties. The walk was today. It was a delightful time spent with a group of other wildflower enthusiasts. I learned a few things and got some beautiful photos. As I suspected, the trillium is just starting to come up....so we have those photos to look forward to later! I look forward to returning to see how they progress over the next couple/few weeks. I hope you enjoy the pictures <3
Hepatica lining the river bank.
"Blue" (looks purple to me) Hepatica. I love all the little tiny stamens sticking out of it...and see the cute fuzzy stuff around the base??? It looks so softyyyy!
Bloodroot. (Bloodroot was used by eastern American Indian tribes as a red dye and in the treatment of ulcers, skin conditions, and as a blood purifier as well as for treating ulcers and skin conditions. All of these medicinal uses derive from the appearance of the blood-red sap that exuded from the fresh root. Some interesting info on the use of bloodroot as a component in treating skin cancer here: http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/id/QAA361873 )
Spring Beauties! (Indeed!)
Hepatica and an unopened Trillium
More Spring Beauties...
Wild Ginger!!! So cool looking!
There were a few small Trillium open...this was the first one I saw. I'm always so happy to see these every year. They are (one of) my all time favorite flowers. I look forward to more pics as they open!
Loved this little nature arrangement....and photo.
The color of the acorn nut caught my eye. Really like this photo too.
Trout Lily!!! They are SOOOO beautiful!!! (My second fave Spring Ephemeral)
Amazing beauty!
There were TONS of them!
Dutchman's Breeches
Hello ;)
The moon was out.
On the way back, I checked on the beaver trees from my blog the other night...they are still there, but don't look at beautiful as they did last year when ''freshly gnawed'' by the beavers...lol.
Can you see the little birdie footprints?
Pacing birdie???
I noticed this a couple of years ago, it's on the way home from the bike path. It's a heart shaped knot i in the tree! Isn't that cool!?!
The whole tree.
Goodnight, my friends. I hope you enjoyed the pics. Much Love and Light to you all <3
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