I'm feeling, (For more info see Jenny Schiltz post "Deep Integration Taking Place"
http://channelingthemasters.org/2016/03/31/deep-integration-taking-place/) It's not as if anything terrible has happened or anything...on the contrary, I am continuing to feel very blessed and held by Spirit and connected to the Universe and supported by those around me, but I've had sense of a sort of a whirlwindy kind of energy that seems to be fraught with disruption of some sort or another...I'm not really sure if tha's the the right way to put it, it's hard to explain, but it just feels like something is in the air like the energies are all sort of topsy turvy or something.

I've had several experiences in the past couple of days that, while what happened was an inconvenience, the people around me, and how they reacted has been such a precious experience, that I haven't really had to experience the (old paradigm) annoyance and negative energy around the inconvenience that I would have experienced previously in such situations. The best example of this what something that happened to day that was one of the sweetest and most genuine random acts of kindness I have ever experienced.
This evening my daughter stopped by my house to pick up something I had forgotten to send home with Phe yesterday, and she told me she was in the middle of doing laundry at the laundromat and mentioned the hassle of going back to get it out of the dryers with the baby having fallen asleep in the car. So, I offered to go along and hang out with Phe while she finished it up. When we got to the laundromat, I realized, much to my dismay, that I had dog poop on the bottom of my shoe. So, I walked over to the side of the building and find a stick and was about to lean over to clean it off when a man, who had been standing next to his car smoking a cigarette, walked over and said to me, "oh, I'm sorry, here, I'll get it for you" and took the stick and proceeded to, not only do a very efficient job scraping it off of the shoe, out of the crevices and all; but also, took one of the baby wipes my daughter had given me and wiped sides of the sole clean as well. I'd never seen this man before, and while the sort of strangeness of the situation did not escape me (I mean, how many perfect strangers would offer to scrape shit off the bottom of someone else's shoe?), I was deeply moved by the random kindness he showed me and realized that there was an underlying theme of being supported and cared for by those around me when dealing with the inconvenient challenges and such I'd been experiencing lately.
Additionally, I realized that I am being urged to better remember to pay attention and to hear my intuition when it speaks to me. Because, I realized that a couple of the situations, in the last 48 hours, (including one that may or may not have cost me the life of my camera) could've been avoided had I heeded that still small voice that whispered for my awareness just moments before these things occurred, but which I failed to notice until after the fact. So, the other lesson I take from these experiences of late is that of remembering to listen and to hear my intuition when it speaks.
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