Sunday, April 3, 2016

4/3/2016 (Day 94) Pineal Gland Activation

I received a message from one of my Spirit Guides today that the dizziness and pressure in my head that I've been feeling has to do with the process of upgrading and activation of my pineal gland and is yet another, in a long list of Ascension Symptoms we've been undergoing in the past several years. I had suspected this, but had somewhat dismissed the possibility in favor of the more ''conventional'' thinking that perhaps it was due to allergies, or the weird weather we've been having, or perhaps a cold or bug of some sort. This is often the case when I first begin to experience a symptom or symptoms. I spoke of this in a previous entry on the "Ascension Flu" (which ironically turns out I wrote exactly a month ago on 3/3/16)  which also includes a complete list of the symptoms.

So, as per usual when dealing with these symptoms, I will simply ride them out while I observe the process, take mental notes of anything that seems important to my Spiritual development and look forward to the completed upgrade. That's really all you can do with these often strange and sometimes fleeting symptoms as they come and go. It's a strange and interesting ride, this process of Ascension...requiring the descension of so many higher dimensional frequencies into these human vessels which have had to be completely remodeled from the inside out in order to accommodate all the new wiring. It ain't easy work, but we were made for it, believe it or not :)

Here are some links to more information on the Pineal Gland and it's activation as well as Ascension symptoms:

Pineal Gland Calcification: Why You Should Care

How To Crack Open Your Pineal Gland

Transmutational / Ascension Symptoms

10 Signs You Are Raising Your Vibration and Ascending Your Consciousness

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