Oh boy, exhausting times. We can feel like someone has pulled the plug and our energy supply has stopped. Extreme fatigue, migraines, heart palpitations and vertigo are very common these days. And on top of that, many of us feel also unplugged from their spiritual connection. We do not receive clear signs, clear communication or clear guidance. At least that is how it feels like. What is going on?
A LOT! Behind the scenes the spiritual realms got really busy and the energy input onto earth is immense. Since April 7, “divine intervention” has officially started. From now on, we get spiritual support without asking for it. Free will is still there, but energetic influence of very high frequency will overrule it in more and more cases. This has major impacts on the more masculine aspects, as ego and mind are now actively supported by assisting spiritual forces. On the other hand, the ones that were carriers of the more female aspects and have managed to balance and heal are now about to take the big leap into their full goddess power to serve the collective in balancing the energies and manifesting this new balance onto the planet through their bodies, working hand in hand with the spiritual realms. Here are the most important things to understand that are going on right now:
1) Influx of very high light frequencies
We have entered a low activity solar circle about two months ago and solar flares are not happening on a large scale anymore but we experience an increase in CME (Coronal Mass Ejections – sun plasma that is catapulted into space), which are causing geomagnetic storms in regular reoccurrence. Those events are related to sunspots, although the precise mechanisms are not yet known. Yesterday, there was a big beautiful heart shaped sunspot, and it was followed by a CME this morning. Coincidence? Don’t think so….
These incoming storms can still feel overwhelming. All of this has a very clear purpose: Transforming us into light body beings. Those storms crack open the energetic shields to make it possible to take in the high energetic frequencies now flowing in. We get downloads and DNA upgrades permanently and a rewiring of our brain is on-going. Our body is changing, less cells are replaced to make it lighter and the structure is rebuilt to be much more flexible into a crystalline structure. These inputs cause major headaches, vertigo, neck and shoulder pain, digestion problems, skin breakouts and intense fatigues but also restlessness and crazy food cravings, as the physical body needs a lot more energy to deal with all this transformation. Craving for fast energy such as starchy products and sugars is common, as well as increased appetite for proteins, especially fish and eggs. Sleep patterns can be disrupted, memory loss can occur, intense thirst, body heat and ringing ears are further symptoms. In addition to that, anger and anxiety attacks and overwhelming depressive states, questioning everything are also very common. The feeling of “something big is about to happen” is very present. The sensation of duality i.e. of darkness and light can be more extreme, which occurs shortly before the individual is moving beyond duality into an equalized balance of experiencing the good in everything and being at peace with it.
“The sensation of duality and darkness and light can be more extreme.”
As the Schumann Resonance, which is the general earth frequency, is changing, we are pushed into raising our personal frequency as well, as I had described in the article “WTF…why am I feeling like shit right now?”. Although these are still challenging moments, the further we move in our process, the higher the highs and the less frequent the lows. With each step up the scale, trust increases and old fears and doubts are dropped.
2) Earth is still purging like crazy
Our planet is also highly influenced by the energetic influx. Gaia is purging old energies like crazy. She has been already doing so since mid of March with an increase in volcanic activities and several eruptions, accompanied by various major earthquakes. Just today were two hits in Myanmar with a 6.9 magnitude and Japan experienced another earthquake with a 6.0 this afternoon. Lightworkers are feeling this intensely and are helping earth to transmute these energies through their bodies, especially through the heart chakra, which is the converter of low frequencies into higher ones. The heart chakra has to get used to this task and especially in the beginning, heart palpitations and heart pain is very common.
3) Authenticity overpowers Fear – the Rise of Goddess Power
Those carriers of the female energies that have managed to balance their own energies with the masculine aspect on a permanent level are forced into taking a break right now. After periods of extreme bliss, periods of extreme fatigues follow. We are prepared for a huge frequency shift that is about to take place – a collective feminine shift. The feminine is breaking free from eons of having been suppressed and undervalued. The first feminine warrioresses of light are about to fully step into their Goddess power. Supported by the April activation energies with Venus having entered Aries these brave souls and carriers of the female light codes are dropping everything that has been still blocking their authenticity and freedom. This urge is divinely steered and so strong that nothing can prevent this shift. It is the moment of complete ego surrender. It is the moment of leaving duality and inhabiting New Earth. Authenticity now overpowers the last remaining fears. These light beings are also experiencing the revelation of a further important aspect of their individual mission. And it is bigger than ever expected but very clear and obvious so that it can be recognised without a doubt.
This feminine vanguard is now brave enough to speak their truth without the fear of any consequences. This is what the new Goddess power is all about. They are the one’s that are here to establish the new model of femininity and assist the masculine in spiritual awakening and to balance with the female. They are here to foster the understanding that perfect creation and manifestation is only possible if masculine and feminine are completely healed and balanced. The break we are experiencing now is necessary to integrate all of these energetic shifts. Take your time and relax. A new paradigm of light and female energies is about to begin.
4) Feeling spiritually unplugged
Many lightworkers are feeling unplugged from spiritual communication at the moment. Pendulums and Tarot cards are not working anymore, signs do not occur as clearly as they used to and the communication with the spiritual realms seems to be disturbed. Many are asking themselves if they imagined it all and if this awakening was really happening. This can lead to feelings of being very alone and confused. Also this includes a lesson. We are forced to rest and forced to focus on ourselves and learn to trust our own intuition only. With the entering of the new Goddess paradigm, doubt and second-guessing has no space anymore. External confirmation should not be relied on. It is time to fully trust the inner guidance and own intuition. It is time to integrate the higher self into the earthly existence. When this trust is fully established, communication with the higher realms will increase again – but from then on with the only purpose to work hand in hand to drive the ascension process for the collective, not to clarify any personal doubts or questions.
5) Spiritual support for the masculine aspects
The masculine aspects are receiving awakening codes throughout April, also referred to as April activation. With Mars going into retrograde, the masculine is challenged to its core beliefs and forced to let go of old ego paradigms. Combined with the rise of the Goddess power, change for the masculine is imminent. In order to further speed up this process, spiritual support is now coming in. As already mentioned, spiritual support now is available also without specifically asking for it, and it happens very often in the form of walk-ins. The concept of walk-ins is often misunderstood. Only in very rare cases, a walk in takes over the complete body and life of someone else. Walk-ins are much more often just spiritual helpers, that move in with the soul in need for help for a while to support with the reprogramming and the implementation of necessary changes. They stay with them until the soul has transformed and opened up spiritually to be able to step into a different timeline. Especially for male twin flame aspects, walk ins are now coming in in higher numbers to assist with the transformation, spiritual awakening and understanding.
6) Another round of intense purging for second ascension wave
For those of the second ascension wave (started in November 2015) another round of intense purging is taking place, which can lead to major depression feelings and the questioning of everything. Questions such as: who am I, what am I here for, how am I supposed to be of any help in this desperate state of being, why can’t I just go home etc are very common. It is tempting to go down the road of victimhood and blame. To come to a quick ease of these spirals, it is important to take time for oneself, to treat oneself with love like an ailing person, to ground as much as possible and to understand that this is just the release and transmutation of old energies. The more grateful and forgiving we can be with them, the more we transmute those energies into higher frequencies. Know that this too shall pass.
No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, just rest assured that frequencies on earth are rising higher and higher and so are ours. This still involves the purging of lower vibrations, especially now more and more also for the collective. Every step we take in raising our own frequency and overcoming fear patterns, we are also doing for humanity collectively. We are influencing so much more than what we are aware of. And this can still be exhausting.
“We are on the verge of a whole new era and paradigm. New Earth is here, now we just have to get used to inhabiting it full time.”
Take your time and rest as much as you can in those periods of fatigue. Ascension is what counts now. We are on the verge of a whole new era and paradigm and have so much to enjoy and look forward to. New Earth is here, now we just have to get used to inhabiting it full time.
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