Wednesday, April 13, 2016

4/13/2016 (Day 104) Is Anyone Else Feeling Exhausted?

I've been trying for days to shake it, but it seems to be getting worse! I'm just so bloody tired! I mean, I'm still getting things done and all, but it's a struggle to resist wanting to take to my bed and sleep for days. So, I apologize for not being at my blogging best these days, but I just can't seem to shake it, and by the time I sit down here to write, I'm just plains fried. I try to look to the energy reports and see what's going on out there when this happens, and sure enough, there are some interesting developments. Here's some of what I found:

April Psychic Energy Update
By Diane Canfield

Beautiful Light Beings,
March energy downloads have been overwhelming to many and April brings no relief from the constant barrage of energy flooding the planet and us light beings, transforming each day into light body beings.

Some of the intense energy we have been dealing with:
Intense dreams
Sleep issue, too little or too much
Increased ringing in ears
Language issues/Memory issues
No sense of body
Intense body heat
Vibrations on body
Intense thirst
Appetite changes

Many of these issues are hormonal changes through the endocrine system. To transform into a light bodybeing we must first transform our hormonal structure. This can cause a myriad of issues including intense body heat as our molecules heat up to transform. Remember we are dealing with intense energy surges, as they move through and transform our human body into the 5D light body needed to traverse the multidimensional realms.

Many may be fluctuating between having too much energy and being severely fatigued. This again is due to the changes in the light body structure process. Take time and rest when you can, it is important to make ascension the priority now if you are able.

Increased loud ear ringing is due to the weakening of the magnetic shield that surrounds the Earth, which I have talked about in my previous articles. The weakening of the magnetic shield is due to the bird and fish die offs as the earths shield continues to decrease. These will continue and will go through cycles each time a new level is reached.

The natural frequency of the Earth is called the Schumann Resonance which connects to the natural frequency of the Human brain. The connection happens within the alpha and theta states (the creative and meditative consciousness). The Schumann Resonance can be affected by the weakening magnetic field of the Earth, which has been taking place for the past 2000 years. The weakening of this shield can lead to a magnetic pole reversal which happened approximately 788,000 years ago. Human brains are tied into magnetic frequencies just like birds and fish that use magnetics to navigate. Hence the bird and fish die offs of the past 5 years or so as the shield continues to weaken. The realigning of the Tampa Airport a few years back was a good indication of the changes taking place.

Many things that we are experiencing during the shift directly relate back to the weakening of the magnetic field and the ascension process connecting together through the Sun and Central Sun. The Suns send us light codes to continue to transform and regenerate our molecular structure. Everything is connected through this process as we continue our journey into the light body.

2016 will continue to be a high energy year full of upgraded energy, downloads and waves. We are entering the passage of downloads now that last longer and are more intense taking on qualities we have not seen before. This will continue through out this year and coming into high points during the Equinox, Solstices and Full moons. These are all high activational portals of activated consciousness to take place.

As we have now entered a NEW Vortex of high energy that we are now integrating, some of these energies may make a person feel that they are unbalanced and have completely lost it. This is how Intense these upgrades have been. You may have feelings of manic and the depression, similar to bipolar as our frequencies adjust to the New light transforming us.

As the downloads of energy are usually spread out, we have time between to relax and get back into balance. Sometimes though like recently in March this was not the case. We were hit with either a geo magnetic storm or an energy upgrade every few days ( no flares). This is what will occur in the future as well, more energy upgrades closer together and throwing us into integration even faster. Geo storms have now taken the place of flares since we are in a slow sun cycle.

Things are speeding up including time, so the ascension process is keeping up with this and moving us even faster to our goal of complete ascension into the light body state. This is state we can look forward to with complete multidimensionality.

Things to watch for this year going forward :
Earth Changes
Dark vs Light themes ( more extreme)
The time coming up to the Election ( this is a critical period energy wise)
Progress moving forward in human and animal rights

Things to focus on within oneself:
Develop psychic abilities and 5D abilities
Expand Consciousness
Confront Fear
Move into Happiness and Joy

These are all good goals to work on through the Ascension process as we become Multidimensional Creators. As Creators we have the responsibility to lead the path for others that will follow. All can join, for some it will take more time.

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Wave Expert

Copyright © 2016 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article itself is included

And from Jenny Schlitz:
Walking in your Mastery
Posted on April 13, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz

So much is happening energetically and we can feel all over the place with our emotions. We are clearing timelines, past lives and patterns that need to go. The way we do this is by acknowledging what comes up, recognizing it for what it is and then choosing different. So many are tired of rehashing the same stuff over and over again. Good! That is a great place to be because it is from this stand point that you can change it. Now is the time to walk in YOUR mastery.

Once you understand that each person creates their own hologram, their own personal reality then you can start to master shifting your perceptions and outcomes. Think of each emotion as a frequency on a radio dial. If you don’t like what you are experiencing then change the channel. We do this by focusing on what we do want in our life. I found myself the other day really feeling insecure in my marriage, insecure with my physical body, insecure with loving and being loved. It felt awful and I went into victimhood wanting to blame my husband for the feelings. Thankfully I didn’t but instead really looked at it and realized it was old patterns coming up to be released. It was also pretty eye opening because I remember the early years of our marriage being rife with misunderstandings because I was not ok with me. I saw how I would create drama just in an attempt to soothe my fears and insecurities. Thankfully I grew past this need as I worked on loving myself more and we are celebrating 22 years of marriage in July. So as I sat with those emotions of feeling unworthy I decided that I didn’t want to be in that reality (frequency). I told myself very clearly that I no longer needed to feel that way and that I was moving to the reality where I love myself and feel loved and whole… and it worked. I felt myself shift. Just a little increment at first, so I affirmed which reality I wanted again and then felt myself shift more. The density of the previous frequency lifted as did the feeling of being inadequate.

This is a skill we are remembering on this journey and it goes against all the programming and conditioning we have been exposed to our entire life. We have the power to change our frequency at any time and it literally changes the reality we find ourselves in. You are already doing this in so many ways. When we are down we call a friend, chat on social media, watch cat videos, read, watch TV, go outside, meditate, exercise or take a bath etc. We do whatever it takes to shift the energy. Much of our stuff has resurfaced to help us practice this skill and it does take practice and patience. Each time we shift we are remembering who we are as we master our own energy.

Part of mastering your own process is seeing that all is in your highest good and letting go of the “I should or shouldn’t”. It is realizing that all is there to help you if you choose to see it that way. I had a client recently tell me about a shift in her perception that occurred while watching a TV show. She said “I know I shouldn’t watch TV, but…” She was watching a good guy vs bad guy show when it hit her that the good guys were not all good and the bad guys were not all bad. This helped her to release judgement and see clearly into duality. How wonderful! Since January I watched all the seasons of Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix. Why? Because it helped me to cry. I realized that my mind would turn to watching the show whenever I felt bottled up inside but unable to release. The show would always make me cry which then turned into this incredible soul releasing sob. It was exactly what I needed. Yet if I had told myself “you shouldn’t watch television” I would have missed the incredible healing opportunity. When you catch yourself saying “I should or shouldn’t” really look and see who created that rule.

This energy that is coming in is very intense and destabilizing. It shakes us to our core and exposes all that is not in alignment, so that we can fix it and change the frequency (vibration) that we find ourselves in. It is also destabilizing us physically. Old health issues are coming up again so that we can look at them, see the lessons it taught us and to see any lingering fears that accompanied a health crisis. Quite a few of us chose to begin the awakening process through profound issues with our health and it literally changed everything. Look at what is coming up now and the thoughts and fears you have associated with it. Then again choose how you look at it and this perception change will literally shift your frequency.

I was working with a client the other day who was getting messages that she needed to eat meat and this would be a diet change for her. The guides confirmed that with these energies she needs the grounding effect of meat as she was literally floating out of her body. I too have had to change my diet in the recent month to incorporate meat. My higher self said that that I needed to eat animals products as these help to ground our bodies in ways that other grounding foods such as potatoes could not. I finally listened after my third fall. I was operating from above the body instead of being fully grounded. This is not safe and causes lower limb pain to increase as the body struggles to ground. When I fell down the steps my highest aspect questioned why I choose to ignore the body’s needs and it was then that I realized that I was repeating the thoughts “to have a high vibration I must not eat meat”. While this can be true and being vegetarian definitely helped clear and open me, in these moments I need meat until I no longer do. Honoring what the body needs to thrive regardless of belief systems is walking in your mastery.

Now is the time to suspend judgement. Judgement of self and others, of what is good vs. bad or right vs. wrong. None of these exist anyway. All Just IS. When we feel ourselves going into judgment look and see where the thoughts and beliefs came from. Each person is here to experience exactly what their soul needs for growth. Who are we to judge what that appears as? Suspend all the judgement of how you “think” this process should be going, how you are personally progressing and the comparison to others. No one is on the same journey as you. We each have different needs and goals. Holding yourself to standards will only hinder your progress. Walking in your mastery means that you do exactly what is right for you regardless of the thoughts and opinions of others (even your own thinking mind). It is honoring the soul and seeing that all is rigged to help you in some way.

So watch TV or don’t. Eat meat or don’t. Exercise or don’t. Meditate or don’t. Do whatever your soul is telling you in these moments without thinking twice. Honor yourself and walk in your mastery.

Don’t forget that we are works in progress as we let go of our limitations, beliefs, and fears. Be easy on yourself and others as we remember who we are. Much love & blessings to you all and thank you to all who share this work.


To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **


We want to invite you to begin to consider that within your physical body is a universe. We realize that your focus is generally outward. You are very involved in the physical reality in which you live, work and relate to others. In this transmission we are encouraging you to begin to turn your attention and your focus within.

Imagine for a moment that all the cells within your body are like the stars in your galaxy.

Begin to allow your awareness to consider that each and every cell is a complete system. The idea of a cell being a complete system within itself would also include that each aspect of the physical body is a complete system. These many systems of the body from the smallest cell to the most complex are guided by coordinated feedback that responds to stimulus or any disruptive energy.

Think of yourself as the CEO of an entire universe. This universe is your body. It is coded with the essential blueprint for survival and perfection. The goal of this system is to maintain balance and harmony. Realize that every cell of your body strives to bring balance between its goals for survival and perfection and the environment, as well as with the energy frequency and vibration in which it interacts.

There are generally thousands of chemical reactions happening in every cell each second. The chemical reactions between your cells operate in a dynamic electromagnetic field. These chemical messages are received by the other cells as an electromagnetic resonance.

There are trillions of cells in your body and these trillions of cells are continually in communication with each other as they carry out the multitude of functions that keep you healthy and alive.

Imagine for a moment that every cell as well as the DNA and all systems are conscious receivers. They receive your communication through the vibrations and the frequencies that you offer. They are always eavesdropping on the electromagnetic field that you create by your thoughts, feelings, words and interactions with others.

Consider for a moment that your cells are always listening and responding to the emotional frequency and energy field that you are offering.

We have observed that there are scientists who have discovered that your very DNA operates with a genetic code that follows rules similar to your human language. They concluded that the human language did not appear by coincidence but would seem to be a reflection of the inherent patterns in your DNA.

Therefore this is offered for your consideration. We suggest that your very DNA can be changed by sound patterns and frequencies as well as by the spoken word. Consider that your DNA functions just like a holographic computer. It will soon be a known awareness and understanding that it is entirely normal and natural for your DNA as well as your cells to react to language. Bio-communication will become a common practice.

So, there you have it....lots happening energetically that would explain this exhaustion. Gheez...this Ascension process sure does take a lot of time an Many blessings, my friends, take care to take the best care of you possible at this time...and remember, we're in this together. Love and Light <3 

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