Thursday, March 31, 2016

3/29-31/2016 (Day 89, 90 &91) A Happy Birth-aversry!

March 29, 2016
26 years ago this night, I was in labor giving birth to my daughter Cachondra Iris. She arrived at 3:17 a.m. after 24 hours 47 minutes of very hard labor (she was ''sunny side up,'' just like her mama had been and I had terrible back labor...which was, pretty much, THE worst pain I have EVER experienced). Giving birth was rough, but the very first moment I looked into my precious daughter's beautiful eyes every second of pain was worth it a million times over. I still recall the very first moment I saw her precious face and, as the realization of just how much my life had forever changed hit me, I fell so deeply in love that I could barely breath.  Never before had I loved someone that much...never before had I had someone, all my very own, to love and care for so completely. I had always had so much love to give but had never, really, found anyone to give my heart to completely (I had a really bad habit of picking guys who, for one reason or another, were not able to love, and/or be loved, to the capacity with which I needed to love someone). As a single mother, my daughter became the center of my world when she was born, and I truly believe that being a mother saved my kept me from self-destructing, and rescued me from the darkness and depression that so often loomed just at the edge of my days, on more occasions than I could count. She gave my life meaning, and direction and provided me with an anchor that kept me firmly tethered here at times when I might have chosen to leave the planet had she not been there to give me reason to stay.

My beautiful, powerful, amazing, fiery, little Aries child wasn't exactly an easy kid to raise...she was (and still is) quite an incredible force to reckon with. From the time she was little, she was brilliant and filled with all kinds of ideas which she was always very, very enthusiastic about. And, of course, these ideas of hers were seldom simple, and usually involved quite elaborate details for a child her age (whatever age she was at the time). Her planning often showed incredible resourcefulness, was presented in such a convincing manner and with such conviction, that it made it difficult to say no...even when I knew that it might not be the wisest idea/thing/whatever that she had come up with. She was relentlessly persistent and rarely took no for an answer when she was inspired to pursue something (sometimes driving me absolutely nuts with this relentlessness). She was born a natural leader (albeit, in those younger years, might've been lacking in some of the finer social skills necessary for differentiating between leadership and "bossiness"). She challenged and amazed me every single day I spent raising this incredible girl-child...being her mother has taught me more than anything else that I have ever done in my life, and I am thankful, beyond measure, for the blessing of my beautiful daughter.

March 30, 2016.
Happy Birthday CC Iris!

I've been making this same cake, from scratch, for CC's birthday every year since she turned 7. Each year I make notes on the recipe and attempt to perfect it a little more in order to reach the ideal levels of moist and sweetness. I think I came pretty close to perfection this year, but still a little room for improvement on the moistness level. And, while I know I won't win any prizes for decorating, I think this years iris was the best one I've ever made...definitely an
improvement over last years (don't you think?). I know, I know, my lettering isn't so good, but I'm a

I think we may have a new fan of ''the birthday cake'' and I might have to start making it twice a year from now on...
And then Phoenyx spent the night here at "Miema's" where, needless to say, she was a bit wired and had a hard time going to sleep (but we had fun).

March 31, 2016

And today, I was blessed to spend a wonderful morning with my favorite tiny human. Little did I know, 26 years ago, when I looked into my daughter's eyes, and my heart filled with more Love than I had ever known, that it would be possible for my heart to grow even bigger, and to Love even more, through all that she would teach me. And, that someday, she would give me the most amazing gift anyone has EVER given me; that of my precious granddaughter, Phoenyx, who would, by her mere existence, fill my heart with more love and joy than I ever knew possible, and make me happier than I ever thought I could be.

Thank you Cachondra Iris, for choosing me to be your mother, for blessing me with the gift of you, and for bringing me a beautiful granddaughter to cherish and fill my heart with pure Love and Joy. I love you both with all my heart <3

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Monday, March 28, 2016

3/28/2016 (Day 88) Inspired Action

Knowing when to act,
and when to simply listen.
Seeing clear results! 
Sensing when to wait,
allowing intuition.
Preventing mistakes.
Inspired Action,
driven by the Heart and Soul.
Always your best bet! 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

3/27/2016 (Day 87) Tired Haiku

Trying to write blog...
falling asleep at keyboard.
Wait! Haiku instead. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

3/26/2016 (Day 86) Feelin the Birdie

Good news for Bernie! 
A little birdie told me...
Vic'try in two states! 
Thank you Washington State and Alaska for your victory for Bernie today!!! 
And to the sweet little birdie who visited Bernie at the rally in Portland, Oregon the other night , WELL DONE my little friend! You may have single featheredly given Bernie Sanders just the momentum he needs! It was as if Gaia Herself flew in to endorse him! I have said, since I first blogged about Bernie, back in January, that I believe he is a Lightworker, and so watching this video made tears flow from my eyes and my heart fill with such hope that I was overwhelmed. So, of course, I went to see what I could find about this little bird and it's symbolism, and, of course, I wasn't the first one curious about this and right away I found this link that told me it was a finch:

And that the symbolism for Finch was the following:

"When finches come into our awareness it is a sure sign of prosperous and joyous times ahead. Finches are an omen of high energy and bright days on the horizon. Natives held the finch as a symbol of upcoming celebration. Finches are song birds, and their music heralds the bounty of spring. When the finch sings to our awareness it is a beckoning to unleash our own song. If we’ve been concealing our brilliance from the world – the finch is a sign to start making our value more audible and available to others. Its bird meaning deals with sociability too, and if the finch comes into your life it may be a signal to get more involved with social activities."

  • Appreciation
  • Diversity
  • Enjoying the Journey
  • Happiness
  • Healthful Diet
  • High Energy
  • Honoring Resources
  • Joy
  • Simplicity
  • Variety

  • Legend has it that finches symbolize ‘bright times ahead’ or ‘bright days on the horizon
  • Native American culture holds the finch as a bird of happiness, since they’re so brightly-colored (males), and their flight patterns are joyful, ebullient, a bouncy, joyful pattern of bobbing through the air in complete delight. 
  • Native American symbolism also calls the finch a harbinger of upcoming celebration.
  • Getting a little deeper, animal symbolism also calls the finch’s birdsong to be an invitation to listen to your own song, and to sing it out loud. Don’t hide your brilliance from the world. 
  • Since finches are known to nest in a variety of places, the symbolism for the finch is ‘make a happy home,’ or ‘thrive where you are,’ or ‘appreciate where you are in life, and make your place your own.’

So, it is only fitting that Bernie would win in Alaska and Washington tonight...and I believe his momentum will only grow from here on out! Welcome to the Political Revolution, baby...where TOGETHER we can create a better world.  Go ahead...feel the Bern ;)

Friday, March 25, 2016

3/25/2016 (Day 85) Magic, Magic Everywhere

Recently I was pondering my belief system and it occurred to me that I could not recall a time in my life when I was not drawn to the supernatural nor a time when I did not believe in the existence of magic. Despite the fact that I was never intentionally taught about either one during my childhood (I wasn't one of those lucky enough to have had familial traditions and teachings about such handed down), I have always been drawn to all things mystical and magical, and when I stopped to think about it, I realized how my early childhood programming through exposure to these themes through television and books seems to have provided a solid foundation for these beliefs without necessarily having intentionally doing so. 
I was born in 1965 and raised as part of a typical Americana circa 60's-70's-80's household where the television was (quite literally) never turned off. So many of my family childhood memories stem from all of us gathered around the tv watching the latest episodes of our weekly shows. In 1964, the year before I was born, the show "Bewitched" came out, it ran until I was 7, in 1972. Also, the year I was born, another popular sitcom, "I Dream of Jeannie", debuted and aired until I was 5 years old. 
In 1966, a daytime soap opera called "Dark Shadows" came on and aired every weekday for 5 years. The show revolved around a handsome and heroic vampire named Barnibas Collins, and included a cast full of witches, warlocks, werewolves and other creatures involved in all sorts of supernatural happenings and adventures. My mother LOVED this show, and some of my earliest memories of time spent with my mother are of us sitting down to watch it every afternoon....which, of course I loved too! 
Sesame Street came on air in 1969. By then, I was already 4 years old, had been exposed to 4 years of Samantha and Jeannie's magic before even meeting Big Bird; and had known Barnbas Collins for 3 years prior to learning to count with The Count (I won't get into my fascination with vampires Of course, Sesame Street had it's own elements of magic, and taught me much about other aspects of life as well, but what I realized, in thinking about it recently, is that through my early exposure to the supernatural and magical characters on television, I began to form my belief system to include an acceptance of magic and the supernatural as something that existed and was real, because, of course, at that young age, I did not know that what I was seeing on the television was not real, but simply made up. So, I accepted, from the very beginning, that magic and the supernatural exist early on and have since, never really even entertained the idea that they do not. 
By the time I started kindergarten, at Holy Trinity School, I was already able to read and had begun to explore the world of books, which provided me with a whole different kind of magic, that of visualization and imagination. I loved the library, with it's mahogany wood paneled walls and all of those books, just waiting to be explored. I couldn't wait to go there and pick out new adventures each week and would read the books over and over. I loved the solid bricks and cement of the big, drafty three story building. I can still hear the sound of my shoes echoing in the quiet hallways...reverberating off big, closed, wooden doors and high ceilings that reminded me of some far away castle. I could just imagine all sorts of mystical happenings wandering among its peaceful hallways. I remember how I loved being alone in the quiet of those hallways where I could just feel the mystery of the place surrounding me. On the rare occasion that I was asked to go over to the convent where the sisters lived, I was always in awe of the sense of holiness and reverence I felt when I entered the place where they lived. And, through my experience with the Sisters, I developed a great sense of Spiritual reverence of my own, that I cherish to this day.  
As an adult, I used to love to go to the ''Candy Cane Carnival" they had every year at Christmas time, just to go back into my old school and revisit the happy days I spent there from kindergarten through 2nd grade. Sadly, last summer they tore the beloved school down. Many were sad to see it go, but I guess expansion for Baystate Franklin Medical Center was deemed more important than a failing Catholic school. I still miss seeing it when I ride by that way. 
I came to the conclusion that I am thankful for Samantha and Jeannie teaching me to believe in magic and for the sagas of the Barnabas and the Collins family teaching me all about immortality and the supernatural...(not to mention the poignant tragedy of vampires that has always intrigued me about And, while I have my thoughts and opinions on the affect of television on young minds, and some part of me shudders to think that I was allowed to watch so much television, at such a young as as to have such a profound affect on the development of my belief system, I am glad that what I took from that early ''programming'' was a belief in magic, immortality, the supernatural. And I am thankful for my time at Holy Trinity School, which taught me about reverence of Spirit and swept me away to places faraway as I learned to visualize and explore my imagination within it's walls. And for the magic of reading I am eternally grateful! 

I feel blessed to have maintained this belief in magic and mystery throughout my life and to have continued to explore my imagination and utilize the visualization skills I began to develop in those early years...these are things that carried me through the challenges that came in later years and for this I am thankful <3 


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

3/23/2016 (Day 83) Powerful Messages for Lightworkers

I recently came across these two messages on a wonderful facebook page I follow called Love Has Won that is always filled with links to the best ever channelings and messages for Lightworkers. these two particular messages spoke to the very core of my being and every cell in my body resonated with the truth of them and so I wanted to include them here because I feel that every Lightworker on the planet should receive I have included them in their entirety, as stated in their copyright statements. I give full credit to the original authors of the following two articles:

Equinox-Eclipse: the corridor of truth

Coming into this next planetary season we are bumping up against some major changes as the celestial heavens prepare to display one of the most phenomenal passages in human history.
Because we are moving so rapidly (perceptually) through time and space at this moment on earth, we are often unable to fully realize the scope and magnitude of such changes until they appear in the physical dimensions.  According to my Sources, this is what 2016 heralds…beginning with the spring (in the north) and the cyclical emergence of new life.
Since we moved into March and I pulled inward to observe my process and the incoming energies, I have been hearing over and again that “everything is about to change” and that “there has never been a moment like this earth”.
I have also been hearing that “this moment, right now, is why so many who were here in the very beginning are back for THE END (of an age)”….that it was our promise to earth and humanity that we would one day return to fulfill our destiny as Suns of GOD, to pave the paths and build the structures needed to support all others in their remembrance, and to assist the planet in her own journey to becoming a divine solar being.
In other words, for some, this is our entire human journey made manifest in THIS lifetime…and it begins now (this year).  It is the reward for thousands of lifetimes in-the-making, and the reality of this is becoming tangible. However trite, this is THE moment we have been waiting for…not just for the last few decades, but for an entire odyssey of life experience as unconscious earthlings.
We are in what is being called “the grand finale moment”…an ending of epic proportion (like, literally so) that is piggybacked with an astounding new beginning of human experience, the likes of which this planet has never seen. And as we venture into the next several weeks each of us will be called to rise up into a new level of consciousness.
For those who chose embodiment, this will mean a release of the lower world, a severing of the 3D timeline which will result in the unification of spirit and matter.  This merger is the requisite for the unfolding of the higher body consciousness, that which will activate the new body technologies that the star beings have spoken about in past reports.
After this takes place I am told that we can expect the new human form to begin its own unique journey of realization which means those (mentally, emotionally & spiritually) prepared will go thru a series of biological mutations required to sustain our 5th dimensional chakra system and (christ) body of light in the world of form.   Apparently this could create a euphoric-like state as those prepared to enter the light fulfill their contracts of service in the 3D world, and in that release, can fully engage with their divine missions of the 5D world.  (read: this is what we came here for)
And while this remembrance of divine truth may be quite an ecstatic experience, I am also made aware that there is coming a moment where that disconnection/reconnection process will greatly affect the world consciousness grid.  Because of this, we are being called to stay awake and use discernment in our daily dealings, as we move thru an even more accelerated period of collective unrest.
In the coming days we will be urged to pay close attention to the ways in which we are beginning to adapt to new life, to the world around us, as we become clear, conscious conduits of Source.  The next few months leading us to the solstice will be a time of balancing our new divine-human experience with those around us, learning how to engage with the world we are “in but not of”, from our newly awakening perspective born of the GOD mind.
All in all, there will be much to behold for each of us in our own way according to the galactics…and for the next 4 weeks in particular we will be the witness to a lot of “newness”, both within ourselves and in the world around us.  
In this special report gifted to us from the Spiritual Hierarchy (the governing body of ascended masters directing the spiritual evolution of all those who desire to reunite with divine/GOD consciousness), the wayshowers are finally given the “hall pass” to enter the light.
[section protected: to read FULL report & comments see membership OPTIONS & PRICING or purchase single report below]  ©As LOVE, Inc. 2016 All rights reserved. 
Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely

From the March edition of OM Times Magazine
by Ahtayaa Leigh

Many lightworkers were anticipating a clear shift in consciousness immediately following December 21st 2012, without realizing that it was just one of many time gates in the Divine Plan of Planetary Purification and the inception of the New Golden Age of Earth. Not only did it appear that mass consciousness did not awaken, humanity seemed to get even more degraded. Why? 2012 was just the beginning of the final phase of the purification process and as with any purification process things look worse before they get better. But don’t despair, we are now entering a three year period between 2016 and 2018 when the old paradigm is interfacing with the inception of the New Earth. We’re birthing a New Age of peace, harmony, balance, unconditional love and abundance for all through our hearts and dissolving the old paradigm with our Love. The Golden Age is rising like a phoenix from the ashes.

2012 was zero point for the activation of the New Earth and the mass ascension of consciousness. It was the balancing point of a 12 year time gate (activation portal). Six years leading up to 2012 and six years after 2012.

The six years leading up to 2012 saw a massive increase in lightworkers being awakened and guided to their missions. Many have been called to sacred sites and ancient portals to play their part in the activation of the Christ Consciousness Grid. The Christ Consciousness Grid, also known as the 144 Crystalline Grid, is Gaia’s crystalline energy body, and like our energy bodies it is made up of chakras, ley lines and meridian points. These are the power points around the globe where energy is received, focused and distributed. The health of Gaia’s light body determines the health of mass consciousness. For a long time the consciousness of humanity has been restricted by the unnatural time system we know as the gregorian calendar.

The Mayan Prophecy predicted the end of this false time system and a return to the Universal Laws of Time. In other words, the way time is perceived is about to change resulting in a shift in mass consciousness. We’re being taken back to nature, where we not only live in alignment with the Earth’s natural rhythms but also with the energy flow of the entire Universe. We will no longer be ruled by clocks in the ‘Time is Money’ paradigm, instead we will be guided by synchronicity in the ‘Time is Art’ paradigm. (for more info see the Tzolkin Mayan Calendar System)

Since 2013 – 2015 we have been experiencing what is known in esoteric circles as the Apocalypse, a time of great revelation and cleansing upon the Earth that brings with it destruction. As part of the cleansing process negative energies are brought to the surface then transmuted and cleansed from Creation, both collectively and individually. Rather than manifest as a worldwide catastrophe the apocalypse has manifested in the heart breaking situations we see in the world today, such as the crisis in Syria. As Lightworkers it is important that we view worldwide events and personal challenges from the higher perspective of the Divine Plan. The higher purpose of these situations is to allow the negative energy trapped in the current reality (or paradigm) to come to the surface to be transmuted. This is the job of the transmuters amongst us. We’re here to focus our unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance upon these situations and let the corresponding Golden Light energy that is pouring into the grid system break down the dense energies that feed war, violence and destruction transmuting them into peace, love and forgiveness.

From 2016 to 2018 the amount of Golden Light being dispensed from the Great Central Sun is rapidly increasing, triggering even deeper awakenings within humanity and a greater awareness of our interconnectedness. As the crystalline grid comes fully online, the old paradigm grid system is being dissolved and the light memories held within the Libraries of Light are again capable of being accessed and perceived by humanity. As a lightworker, it’s important that you don’t get caught up on ‘how’ the new paradigm is going to appear but rather trust that when the living libraries are revealed all will become clear.

What does this mean for you as a Lightworker?
If transmutation is part of your mission the next three years will be active for you, and yes it won’t always be easy, much like the last three years! As an activated lightworker you will find yourself in situations and energies that require you to transmute them. By now you are probably becoming quite skilled (after lots of practice!) in the art of transmutation, keeping the peace even when things around you appear to be falling apart. Always remember that you are a strong soul who was selected for this work for a reason. You are an experienced transmuter having done this job for many lifetimes. You have the courage and strength within your soul to bring peace and love to any situation. Know that whatever you are going through is temporary and with great purpose. You are an amazing Being of Light and you are loved more than you can imagine. Keep peace and balance in your life and the process of transmutation will pass by effortlessly and with speed. Remember that by living the values of peace, forgiveness, harmony and unconditional love in your life you ground these energies into the whole of Creation, melding Heaven and Earth.

To make life easier during this time maintain a close connection with God and your family of Light. Call upon all the support you need from the seen and unseen realms. Your family in the higher realms is awaiting your request for more assistance, oblige them. Ask them to help you embody the Golden Light of Source and ask them to help you clear your energy field of all energies that are of less than 100% Love and Light. Live and breathe God and the next three years will be a breeze.

Ahtayaa Leigh is a Spiritual Alchemist, Gold Ray Healer and Ascension Guide. Following the call of Great Spirit she has travelled the world participating in light activations and global healing. Her life work is committed to supporting others on their journey of awakening. Learn more about her at and connect on Facebook at Ahtayaa Leigh

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All messages from Goldenlight on this site are also copyrighted ©The Golden Light Channel, Repostings must include this copyright and credit at top and bottom of post and include the entire message without alteration when re-posting. Permission is not granted to use these messages in custom YouTube videos, any copyright violation of this will result in a copyright infringement.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

3/22/2016 (Day 82) Full Moon, Partial Eclipse (not much to see, much to feel)

Lunar Eclipse Dates and Times:
March 23rd 8:02 a.m EST (New York)
March 23rd 5:02 a.m. PST (Los Angeles)
March 23rd 12:02 p.m. UTC (London)
March 23rd 11:02 p.m. AEDT (Sydney)
March 23rd 5:32 p.m. IST (Delhi)

A powerful, life-changing Full Moon Eclipse is just hours away! This is one you want to pay attention to. The effect of this celestial celebration will influence your life for at least six months (up to two years if the eclipse falls on a sensitive spot in your birth chart!).

Eclipses concentrate our experience on Earth – as if a lot of your life is packed into a short period of time! They represent turning points … sometimes you are unconsciously swept up into a moment that changes everything, and other times you consciously engage in manifesting the change.

These past two weeks have been an astounding opportunity for you let go and make changes. When the Sun eclipsed the New Moon in Pisces on March 8/9, we started breaking down old patterns. Eclipse cycles are the easiest times to release past patterns – and build new ones. What were you doing around the first eclipse on March 8 and March 9? Something was put in motion at that time for this current two-week shift in your life.

Now take note what you experience around March 23, and the days on both sides of the eclipse – they really leave an imprint on your life! Eclipses magnify everything you experience… Open your soul to exploring something deeply, something you love. If that means staying up longer than usual, or getting up earlier, or changing plans to accommodate nourishing your body, mind and soul – DO THAT. You are setting NEW patterns in place right now that are instrumental in taking you over the threshold… You may be transitioning from one period of your life into the next phase…guide the energy, consciously.

And take yourself back to April, 2014 for a moment. That was when the first Libra Lunar Eclipse began this current two-year cycle. What was going on in your life two years ago? Make note of it, since you are now bringing that experience FULL circle with the Full Moon Eclipse now. Since April 2014 we’ve lived through several Aries-Libra Eclipse cycles. And this one, on March 23, brings the cycle to an end.

This Lunar eclipse culminates the past two years of your life – releasing a big SURGE of energy. You’ve thought about many things in the past two years. Now it’s time to bring them into action. To shake things up. The Full Moon symbolism invokes the culmination theme to an even greater degree. All can be resolved. You are being set free. Right Now.

Eclipses come in pairs, and the Full Moon in the sign of Libra on March 23rd (check the time/date for your location below) brings a Lunar Eclipse on the Libra-Aries axis.

This is the culmination of the eclipse energy birthed during the solar eclipse in Pisces on March 8th.

A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned in syzygy—three celestial bodies aligned to form a straight line—and the Earth blocks some of the Sun’s light from the surface of the moon creating a shadow. (Visually, this eclipse will be subtle, but still visible in North America, most of South America, Australia and most of Asia.)

Eclipse season brings extra power and heat to our lunar events and how they impact us. We often feel the eclipses as endings, beginnings and major energetic shifts in our lives.

Here we are, on the brink of the cherry on top of this recent cycle—the Lunar Eclipse. Mercury is involved here too, tightly conjunct the Sun in Aries (opposite the Libra Moon), and Uranus is also conjunct the Sun by sign in Aries. In some way, this Lunar Eclipse in Libra is the period at the end of the sentence. It is not the end of the book (although for some of us, something major enough may be culminating for it to feel like that!), but there is definitely value in a moment of pause at this time to look around and see what was unearthed, rebirthed, or cycled away in these past months. The sign of Libra is known for her focus on balance, harmony, beauty and friendship.

Think of the bright light of the Libra Full Moon as a spotlight showing us the truth of where we’ve been since last March and the divine trajectory of where we might be headed. It is the moment for a full inventory—not just the two weeks since the Solar Eclipse, but the overarching cycle of the last year, and the mini-review cycles within that (such as retrograde periods).
This is one of the great “power portals” of the year in the Cosmic Weather and this year that designation has gone up a notch. How so? Well we opened up the season with the New Moon in Pisces, along with four other planets at that time which ushered in some MAJOR healing and transcendent energy. We are still feeling the effects of three planets and Chiron in Pisces making a contact to the South Node. This is all about where we’ve been more than where we’re going, but in this case the two can be intertwined as a new path emerges.

Eclipses placed in between the Equinox open a powerful gateway of energy.

We are in a “9” Universal Year of endings and generally wrapping things up cosmically and karmically. As we step through this portal gateway, we want to be traveling lighter, being especially mindful of the messages and insights that arise. That’s what the energies of February and earlier this month have been about; showing us areas that are up for healing, draining our energies or that we have simply outgrown. It is the mind that may attribute drama or suffering to these endings, but we know better, on a soul level, that all is well, despite outer appearances. As we approach a whole new cycle (“1”) beginning in 2017, what is coming up may seem daunting or even frightening, but the Universe is really quite wise. We have a golden opportunity this year through these portals to shed what has run its course in our lives and to step into higher levels of personal awareness and empowerment.

Let's DO IT! ;) 

Monday, March 21, 2016

3/21/2016 (Day 81) Upcoming Penumbral Eclipse on the 23rd

It's been a long day for me and, thought I have much I would love to share with you about the energies of the upcoming Penumbral Lunar Eclipse coming up on the 23rd, I'm just too tired to get into it tonight. So, here some links to info on the eclipse...and I will write about the energies tomorrow. Have a good night, my friends, and thank you.

What is a Penumbral Eclipse?

When and where will it be visible?

More info

Sunday, March 20, 2016

3/20/2016 (Day 80) Blessed Ostara!

Ostara Blessings
Celebrate the Equinox
Coming of our Spring! 
History, & Lore

OSTARA (pronounced O-STAR-ah) is one of the Lesser Wiccan Sabbats, and is usually celebrated on the Vernal or Spring Equinox right around March 21 (although because of its origins, may instead be celebrated on the fixed date of March 25). Other names by which this Sabbat may be known are Oestara, Eostre's Day, Rite of Eostre, Alban Eilir, Festival of the Trees, and Lady Day.

The Christian holiday of Easter is very near this same time, (notice the similarity in name?), and is determined as the first Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox.

The name for this Sabbat actually comes from that of the Teutonic lunar Goddess, Eostre. Her chief symbols were the bunny (for fertility and because the Ancient Ones who worshipped her often saw the image of a rabbit in the full moon), and the egg (representing the cosmic egg of creation).

This is where the customs of "Easter Eggs" and the "Easter Bunny" originated.

The role of the rabbit has two possible origins.

One tale is that the rabbit so loved his Goddess Eostre that he laid sacred eggs in her honor, then brightly colored them and gave them to her as gifts. Eostre was so delighted, she wanted this joy to be shared by all, so the tradition continued.

The second tale tells how Eostre found a wounded bird in the snow. To help the little bird survive the winter, she transformed it into a rabbit, but the transformation was incomplete and the rabbit retained the ability to lay eggs. In thanks for its life being saved, the rabbit took the eggs and decorated them and left them as gifts for Eostre. Again, she was delighted and wanted all to share her joy, so the tradition continued.

Ostara is a time to celebrate the arrival of Spring, the renewal and rebirth of Nature herself, and the coming lushness of Summer. It is at this time when light and darkness are in balance, yet the light is growing stronger by the day. The forces of masculine and feminine energy, yin and yang, are also in balance at this time.

At this time we think of renewing ourselves. We renew our thoughts, our dreams, and our aspirations. We think of renewing our relationships. This is an excellent time of year to begin anything new or to completely revitalize something. This is also an excellent month for prosperity rituals or rituals that have anything to do with growth.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

3/19/2016 (Day 79) Equinox Energies...Welcome Spring!

Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are about to enter into Spring with the coming of the Vernal Equinox. As the pulse of Life returns to Gaia's surface, we welcome the Light of the Sun, shed our layers and begin to plant the seeds of myriad ideas that we've been brewing over the long dark winter. With the birth of a brand new astrological year, we move from the energies of contemplative, dreamy, emotional, watery, Pisces into those of our beloved Aries, the baby of the zodiac, known for it's fiery willfulness. Aries is Cardinal Fire and a powerful mental sign with lots of energy, but energy that can sometimes have the tendency to be impatient and rush in (often times without planning) due to it's youthful enthusiasm and confident manner. As the first sign of the zodiac, it is the birthplace of ideas and beginnings...the beginning of the creative process, of cycles of experience and where the Soul enters into Spiritual regeneration and Divine initiative. So, this is the perfect time to take action on the things that we've been imagining doing/creating/being throughout the long months of darkness and begin to bring them to fruition in the world. 

As we are just hours away from the Vernal Equinox. At 12:30 AM EST and 9:30 PM PST, 4:30 AM GMT, our Sun crosses the very first degree of the zodiac, 0 Aries, known as the Aries Point, or First Point. At an energetic level, life is about to begin anew as we return to the beginning of our zodiac. During this time, a tremendous surge of pure, potent life force is released into our energy field as we pass the First Point which is known as the single most dynamic degree in our sky. The astrological chart for this moment maps not just the day it occurs, but describes the energy patterns of both the season and the year to come as well. According to, here’s what this year’s Equinox portends:

* A time of cosmic realignment for our world – and for your life. In the last century, only eight Aries Equinoxes have occurred in the highly charged period between a solar and lunar eclipse. This year begins as you’re in the midst of an evolutionary re-boot. We all are.

* A rich and potent interplay of the Sacred Masculine and Cosmic Feminine energies at the heart of life. Just three days after the Aries Equinox -- one of the most important Sacred Masculine events of the year – a potent Cosmic Feminine event occurs, at Wednesday’s Libra Lunar Eclipse (watch your inbox for more on this rite of revelation).

* Growing impatience with the way things are, charged with activity, and larger than life passion – perhaps even stridency. Once the Sun arrives in Aries, half the planetary energy in the solar system will be in fire signs. 

With the Sun in Aries, our hearts are ready to be reborn. Uranus there too continues his seven-year mission to liberate you—and us all -- from the past, while Mars in Sagittarius takes action that is far-reaching and in service of your vision. The presence of Saturn, the Lord of Karma, there tells us we’re all learning big lessons this year about our relationship to the cosmic energy of fire. Our passion, our intuition, our vitality, and our assertive drive -- these are the teachers the Equinox brings to our lives.

* It may be hard to step back and see things from others’ viewpoints, with just a single planet (Venus) in an air sign (Aquarius). Only two planets in earth signs means that staying grounded amid all the shifts will take some persistence.

* Nothing is fixed this year. Everything is in flux, shifting in the depths within and around us as old pattern unravel so that we can begin to reweave new ones. We're about to experience that in a big way on Wednesday, when the In this Equinox sky, all five of the visible planets who shape the energetic structures of our lives – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter -- are in the mutable signs of Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These are restless signs, thriving on change. They’ll bring a kaleidoscopic quality to the coming year.

* That means you’ll be relying on your deep lunar intelligence, and the truth of your heart, as never before to help us stay the course. Just one planet – the Moon – in a fixed sign means you’re less likely to feel stuck this year than in a long time

* The beginnings you make this year can take you beyond the boundaries that have limited you in the past. The Equinox powerfully activates an exact alignment of the centaur Pholus – whose medicine helps us to go beyond the limitations of the past – with the Galactic Center and its source frequencies. 

As the Sun crosses the Aries Point, the Leo Moon is Void of Course. She’ll make no further contacts with her cosmic sister and brothers until Sunday at 5:40 PM GMT {1:40 PM EDT and 10:40 AM PDT }, when she enters Virgo.Until then, she’s in the fertile void -- creating even more freedom to move beyond old limitations and embody new potentials.

In the Void with the Cosmic Heart: Time to Make Some Magic:
In the hours between this moment and the Equinox, the Sun will be moving through a degree that carries a magic unlike any other -- 29 Pisces, the last degree in the zodiac. Wherever our Star is, your own heart is always resonating with him. Moving through the zodiac’s last degree today, he’s inviting you into the space between realities, the fertile void where old realities dissolve and new ones are born.

And so is your heart, your direct pipeline to the Cosmic Heart: 

With Luna in Leo, the sign of the heart, and Mercury in Pisces, always resonating with the Oneness, these hours before the Equinox are the perfect time to speak from your heart and your mind to the heart of the Universe. Speak your deep intention to the Great Mystery. Offer your deepest fears, to be transformed in the Cosmic Heart. Ask for what you need most.

Tomorrow, March 20, Venus will conjoin Neptune in Pisces. At each year’s Venus-Neptune conjunction, the veils between Matter and Spirit rise. When it happens in Pisces, it’s no ordinary meeting. This is where the magnetic Queen of Heaven is exalted and where Neptune, the Cosmic Dreamer, is at maximum potency.

On Monday, March 23, as Mercury moves through 29 Pisces, let him guide your perceptions through the fertile void of the zodiac’s Omega Point.

As the Sun and Mercury activates the energy of the last year’s total solar eclipse within just two days, you may notice new understanding of the changes that were set in motion within and around you last spring.

Join the Cosmic Dance:
Everywhere within you and around you in the days and months ahead, the Cosmic Feminine and her Sacred Masculine are rising in a suffering world that's hanging by a thread. They’re ready to dance, to relate, to create -- and to begin anew.

So, we continue to have some exciting energies to carry us through this extremely mutable year as we enter into Spring, here in the North. I, for one am looking forward to seeing what this magical time and our Divinely inspired action bring forth as we move ahead into the new season. Many blessings, and HAPPY SPRING, my dear friend. Much Love and Light <3 

Friday, March 18, 2016

3/18/2016 (Day 78) Sycamore

Mighty Sycamore
Abundant Life hangs on limbs
Towering over water