Wednesday, March 16, 2016

3/16/2016 (Day 76) Old Friend and New

I was thrilled to have the honor of bringing my friend Melanie, who recently moved here from Oregon, to my beloved ''Green River Road" for the first time today. She LOVED it...I had a feeling she would. It was so delightful to share one of my favorite places in the whole world, since I was a little girl, with someone who'd never been there and turned out to love it just as much as I do! Here are some pictures from our wonderful adventure.
 Meet Melanie, fellow Lightworker, kindred Spirit, and one of my absolute favorite people in the world. I am so blessed to have had this beautiful woman come into my life and thrilled to share one of my favorite places in the world with her with plans to spend lots more time here, connecting with Gaia together, over the coming seasons! 

 A felled sycamore...looks like a frog :) 
 She's in rock lover's paradise! 
Love the colors! 
 Such a beautifully radiant being! 
 Happy to see this wise old crone survived the winter! 

 Butterfly (moth?) on a crayfish carcass....very interesting. 
There was a big one and a little one. 

 We built this in honor of the Equinox (on the 20th) 

 Giant heart shaped rock is still there.
 This thing was super cool...
 ...from all angles

 Rainbow Portal Light....
 Sooooo GREEN <3
 More Rainbow Light...
 ...and some Violet Flame energy...ahhhhhhh <3 
 Tourmaline in there
 Baby mushrooms!!! 

 Love this little tree! 
 More Violet Flame energies coming through! 

Mel receiving blessings of Light...

I AM so thankful <3 


  1. So lovely!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful day!!

  2. You're welcome Hedy...and thank you :)
