Sunday, March 13, 2016

3/13/2016 (Day 73) Sharing Our Messages from the Universe

One of my favorite parts of this Awakening process that we are all undergoing is that of the Universe constantly sending messages to assure us that we are all in this together and that everything is absolutely and positively just the way it should be...that there is no need to worry that I am getting it all wrong, missing the boat, or failing some cosmic test. At times, when my  human self is particularly caught up in the ego aspect of my existence, I sometimes loose sight of the fact that everything truly is occurring in Divine time, that all is well, and in accordance with the process of Ascension. That is why the ''World Wide Web" is such a blessing. I have come to think of it as a sort of non-physical manifestation of the Akashic records where all we have ever known and all we ever will know exists for us to explore and learn about, and from, at will. It never ceases to amaze me how, just when I need a certain message, it comes across my path somehow. Here is one that I came upon today that speaks to the current energies I have been experiencing. As always, it is comforting to know that I am not crazy...not the only one experiencing these things. To know that they are a part of our collective evolution and involve Universal energies that we are all experiencing at this exciting time in the history of existence is a great relief to my ego self who worries about these things. I am very thankful to all of the other Lightworkers out there, who are bringing these messages to humanity so that I can discover them, just when I most need to hear them. I hope that, in some small way, some of what I say here might be helpful to others in this way as well. Many blessings of Love and Light to you my dear friends and thank you for being here with me <3

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