Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3/1/2016 (Day 61) A Super Tuesday

When I went to vote this morning, I found myself overcome with emotion as I stood there, in the middle of GHS's gymnasium, about to draw the little line that indicated my support for Bernie Sanders. I have voted in every one of the 7 Presidential elections and most of the primaries that have occurred since I turned 18, and I have never once before felt so strongly that a candidate would make an excellent president of our country. I've never once before, ever, believed in a candidate like I believe in Bernie. 

There have always been the ''evils'' that have led me to vote for the "lesser of the two evils," despite not actually feeling any love for the candidate who ultimately got my vote, but none of those "evils" have compared to him who "shall remain nameless" here in my blog...the current republican front runner, who I find to be the epitome of so many things that contribute to the problems we face in this country. As an empath, that man literally makes my skin crawl any time I am ever so unfortunate as to tap into his energies. As a Lightworker, I find the idea of the possibility of Bernie ultimately running against him to feel almost like it could be a divine, archetypal playing out of the dark vs. the Light which seems almost fitting at this time of the Great Turning when we are on the brink of a new paradigm that we Lightworks, Wayshower, and Awakend Ones have worked diligently to bring about for millennia.  I wonder if it will come to that. I guess we shall see. 

Meahwhile, as I stood there today, in the gymnasium, marking my vote for Bernie, I was filled with a flood of emotions...hope, fear, gratitude, pride, longing, confidence and doubt to name s few. I sought to push aside everything but the hope and Love and Light I felt around this possible future and, knowing that, in the reality I wish to create for myself and all those I know and love, that having Bernie Sanders for our president would be most in alignment with what I envision. I stood there, with my hands over the ballot I'd just marked, closed my eyes felt into the energy of what we Lightworkers are creating and focused my intention and energies on allowing that assure the best possible outcome for this day. I was filled with waves of energy as I did this and almost instantly felt lightheaded and a bit dizzy...I held it for a minute and then picked up my ballot and walked to the end praying that things work out well for Bernie today. 


  1. I've been praying for three days with knots in my stomach.. We need this so bad!! I hope the world is ready for the good he stands for.. He really is the light to me also... Its so hard for me to talk with others as to what I believe... This man is truly trying to create a better world.. This is what I want to see also...

  2. Me too Hedy! And I am trying not to feel disheartened by the results I woke up to this morning. Here in MA he got 49% to Hillary's 50% and I am trying not to feel angry with those who like Bernie but couldn't be bothered to vote yesterday. And the 1% being the difference feels both good that it was ONLY that and also like a slap in the face because it's like "the 1%" made the difference!

  3. It was such a disappointment... I really thought people were listening...but... There are people out there... I guess it has to be imperative before they see what we do... The world really needs him right now!! We just can't settle...
