Wednesday, March 9, 2016

3/9/2016 (Day 69) Still Missing Marble

To be honest, I have no idea what it was that made me think of Marble today. I am sad to say it's been a while since I thought of the boy who went missing on August 27, 2011, the day before Tropical Storm Irene tore through the area leaving flooding and destruction like we hadn't seen in this area in decades. On that day, Marble Arvidson left his house, with an unidentified stranger, leaving behind a note saying he's be back in 30 minutes, and he has not been seen nor heard from again.

When I first saw the picture of Marble's angelic face and heard about him going missing, I cried to think of what might have befallen him during the powerful storm we had just faced. Even though I didn't know him personally, I found that, for those first months of his being missing, he haunted my thoughts and I often cried as I prayed that he be found and brought back to his family. There were flyers everywhere, and everyone was talking about it, even if there was plenty else to discuss with the damage from the storm. I don't remember when the talk began to die down, and certainly don't recall when it was that I stopped thinking of this missing boy all together; but today, when I realized that I hadn't checked the page or even thought of whether or not he had been found, in the last couple of years, I felt badly for having just forgotten about him.

When I got home this evening, I looked on the facebook page "Find Marble Arvidson" where I found that there had been nothing at all posted since September of 2013. I did a search and found nothing newer than 2013 there either, so I'm guessing there has been no news since then. It's crazy how someone can just disappear into thin air like that without a trace! I cannot imagine how hard it must be for those who were close to him (or for any who have had someone they know just disappear like this for years, without a trace) to have no clue as to where he went or what happened to him. I think it would drive me mad to have to face that every day if he were my son! I have always found that I do least well dealing with things when there is uncertainty involved, so I cannot imagine dealing with this level of it!

Wherever you are Marble, I hope that you are free from suffering and are at peace. I pray that someday your family has answers...that we all have answers, as to what happened to you on and since that day <3

More info

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