Friday, January 1, 2016

1/1/2016 ("Officially" Day 1) Happy New Year!

I am really looking forward to all that 2016 has in store! I believe that my work this past year to consciously foster and sustain a positive frequency and strive to master the art of becoming an intentional creator is going to be taken to a whole new level over the course of this year. I have come to live my days in a state of excited anticipation over all of the amazing things that are coming, and yet completely unattached to any particular outcome and perfectly happy and content with all that I am already blessed with. I am amazed at how happy I am, despite the outward appearance of my life being essentially unchanged this last year. I regularly find myself giddy with gratitude for all that I am blessed with and giggle with joy for all that is soon to come. It really is a wonderful and exciting place to be, her on the "leading edge of creation." as Abraham calls it. 

I had something happen a few nights ago that, in the past, would have had the potential to really set things into negative motion for me. I had asked my guides for clarity and resolve around a particular (very heart centered) situation that had been lingering for a long time and that I was needing some movement on. I'd had a particular desired outcome in mind and when this unmistakable sign came, I was instantly elated, and because of the nature of the sign, I was almost certain that I was going get exactly what I wanted. Except, I guess I'd forgotten that what I'd really asked for was an answer not what I was thinking I was going to get...and that was exactly what I got.

My Higher Self, in all of it's Divine Wisdom, had finally gotten weary enough of my humanly lingering to kick my proverbial butt into accepting something that my wise-mind knew all along but my ego had refused to accept because it didn't want to let go of this thing that I so desperately wanted. And suddenly, in an instant, I had my answer...and it was not the answer that I had thought I wanted, and in that moment, I had the choice, as to whether I would let this turn into something that could potentially set me in a downward spiral which was sure to derail my positive frequency; or, something that I would use as a lesson to further my understanding of this quest that I am on to be a fully conscious human being in charge of creating my own happiness. 

And as the answer sunk in, I sat there, surprised to feel pretty much, sadness or loss or fact, I realized that what I felt most was relief. Relief over the fact that I had, at long last gotten my answer and I could now move on knowing for certain because all doubt had been cast aside and the naked truth had hit me in the face and now, I had the opportunity to decide just how I wanted to handle it. And I decided to handle it with gratitude and acceptance rather than the emotional drama and self flagellation of my past.

Much to my delight, as a result of my choice, the very next day, I was blessed to be presented with a wonderful new possibility. One that is so much greater than what was that I find myself wondering just how it is that I could have thought I'd wanted what I thought I wanted for so long. In just two short days this new possibility has shown me, in myriad ways, how much the old one was far less than what I truly want and deserve in life. I have been awakened to a whole new level of understanding around this particular aspect of my journey and feel my heart opening further as my consciousness expands with each aspect of exploration. I look forward to the possibility it offers with an open heart and open mind and without expectation.

So, I must admit that I am kinda glad that this whole manifestation process takes some time to happen, because I am learning that each time I let go of something I think I want, something even better comes along to take its place and I am learning and growing and having so fun much along the way. And each leg of the journey is helping me to clarify just what it is I want to manifest. It it truly an exciting time to be alive, and I am thankful <3 

Many blessing, my dear ones. Happy Awakening! 

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