Saturday, January 16, 2016

1/16/2016 (Day 16) Tree Talk

There is something about the trees this time year, when their bones lie bare against the bleakness of the sky, that speaks to something deep inside of me of the wisdom they behold. As I walk among them, admiring their silhouettes, while the sky begins to darken, I am struck by the vastness of their beauty. I feel their magnificence, as I look up at their branches, and wonder how it must feel to stand in one place, unmoving, but only to sway in the wind, for decades or perhaps, a century or more. I think of the strength it must take and yet, also ponder the ease of spending an entire lifetime standing in one place, firmly rooted in your purpose without question or even possibility of other. I wonder, is that more like complete bondage or total freedom? 

(Sarah's Silhouette) 

This is my friend Sarah, she lives nearby. She is one of the only ones left standing on the ''tree belt'' on my street. She's a big old maple and I just love her. We made friends one day when I was out walking my was the first time a tree had ever told me its name...I know, I was a little surprised too, I didn't know that trees had I have grown to love her dearly and consider her a favorite friend. I warned my neighbors, when they came to take Esme (a tree that stood in front of my house) down in 2014 that if they tried to cut Sarah down, they may just have to bail me out of jail, because I would chain myself to her in protest. I mentioned this to Sarah and was surprised when she told me that she would actually be okay with it if they decided to cut her down because she's been standing there for a very long time and wouldn't mind being freed of her tree-ness when the time came. 

(Looking up at Sarah...the pic doesn't do her justice..she is so magnificent!)

You may be wondering how it is that one would go about talking with the trees, and I can assure you, it is not something I consciously decided to do, it just sort of happened one day. I mean, it's not like every tree talks to me all the time (that would be creepy and overwhelming) and I don't actually hear them talking (that would be It's more like we communicate impression of the message appears in my mind. It's the same as when Spirits communicate with me...the message is just sort of there all of a sudden. It's almost like I'm imagining it and, believe me, for a long time, I thought that I was just making all this shit up. But, in the meantime, too many things have happened to confirm the messages I get for me to second guess myself any longer. And, if you think about it, it really does make perfect sense. Everything is comprised of energy vibrating at whichever particular frequency it is aligned with. I believe that trees naturally vibrate at a frequency that is above that of where most humans generally vibrate unless they are consciously working to raise their vibration. As someone who consistently strives to do so, it would make sense that I would sometimes find myself aligned with the higher frequency of the trees and therefore able to connect with their energies and receive their messages. 

(I have been teaching Phoenyx since she was tiny to ''talk to the trees." Here she is saying hi to Sarah last Winter. She knows her by name
(When we left to go for our walk last week, Phe was calling "Sarah, Sarah, here we come Sarah" on the way down the street. It made my <3 glad) 

We humans have only just begun to understand the amazing potential of these giant brains of ours...which, up until this point in our evolution, have been highly underutilized. By working to expand our consciousness, we create new pathways in the brain that tap into parts that we've never used before and activate neurons and synapses that have long lay dormant...there is no limit to the potential for growth in consciousness and as our consciousness expands more and more, who truly knows what might be possible...I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited to find out! 



  1. Trees Amie, Trees, one more time you are speaking to me. I feel the pain of the trees. I I see a nail in a tree for some reason, it hurts in my skin. I don't need to tell you what I feel when I see cut off dead on the ground. Thank you again. Viva Sarah! Viva Amie!

  2. Trees! They are actually main characters in the novel I'm working on. *smile* Sarah is beautiful.
