Sunday, January 3, 2016

1/3/2016 (Day 3) Opening Presents

Back in December of 2014, I stumbled upon a youtube video of a man named Darryl Ankachanneling an entity he called Bashar and felt compelled to watch it. I found his odd way of speaking a bit disconcerting at first, but as I listened, I realized that his message was quite powerful and soon settled into listening. I took a lesson away from that video that has become a defining factor in my life over the course of this past year (it also led me to the teachings of Abraham Hicks, which have also had a tremendous impact on my life). This lesson set me on a conscious quest to foster a positive outlook and reclaim my divine right to a joyful existence in order to create a happy life through consciously choosing thoughts that work to raise my frequency rather than lower it. One thing in particular that he said, struck me so much that I wrote it on a sticky note and attached it to my printer where I was sure to see it every time I sat at my desk. It said:

"Everything in your life is a gift, and, if you treat it that way, then you will spend the rest of your life opening presents."  ~Bashar

When I heard this, I felt like I had been given a key to a lock that I didn't know existed in my mind. It was so simple and yet so profound and, best of all, it was something I could easily see myself doing (I had already been working on fostering an attitude of gratitude, so this seemed like a perfectly logical stretch). I began looking at each and every day as a new adventure...allowing even the mundane and challenging to be seen as a gift with the opportunity to bring growth, clarity and happiness into my life. As a result of this practice, I stopped seeing things as ''good'' and ''bad'' and began to simply see what "was." I stopped putting expectation on specific outcomes and became more willing to accept whatever the outcome was with grace and gratitude and a willingness to look for the positive lesson attached. I stopped looking for what was wrong and started looking for what was right. I ceased paying attention to the things I did not want in my life and paid more attention to what I did want. I began striving to always reach for a better feeling thought. 

At first, all of this required a conscious effort on my part. I had to remind myself to mind my thoughts and had to strive to keep them where I wanted them. But slowly, as I listened to more of Abraham's wisdom and kept consciously reaching for a better feeling thought whenever possible, I found that, just as promised, I began to train my frequency toward one that consisted predominantly of happiness and joy. 

For many years I had been told that happiness was a choice and, to be perfectly honest, I had scoffed and even bristled at the fact there were even moments when it downright pissed me off to hear those words. But you see, the thing that I'd never heard, the thing that enabled me to finally shift from someone who wished for happiness to someone who was happy, was the realization that it was a completely internal process that had nothing, whatsoever, to do with what was happening in the outside world. And, that it was something I could work to attain incrementally, over time, not something I needed to expect to achieve overnight. And that through consciously practicing a vibration of joy my life would become joyful. The trick, I learned, was to recall a time when I felt great joy and to allow myself to recall the feeling that joy evoked within me and then to fuel that feeling, allowing it to grow and fill me with sense of joy. And, as I began to do this more and more, I found that, despite my life being essentially the same on the outside, inside I was happy in a way I had never known before. And that, my friends is the place where miracles begin to happen...

Much Love and Light! 
Thanks for reading <3 


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