Saturday, January 23, 2016

1/23/2016 (Day 22) Suiting Up

An Empath is a person who is (among other things) highly sensitive to the energies of others. So much so, that they will often experience the thoughts, feelings and emotions of those around them without even realizing that what they are thinking or feeling is not actually their own "stuff,'' but that of someone else. Because most Empaths don't even know that they are picking up on something that belongs to someone else, they are often confused by their ''unfamiliar'' thoughts and feelings, which can lead to an increasing sense of unease. As a result, one of the side effects of being an Empath is the tendency to easily get overwhelmed in groups of people. I'm quite certain that it is actually undiscovered/misunderstood empathic gifts that are responsible for a great deal of what we consider ''social anxiety'' in our culture. When you constantly find yourself bombarded with thoughts and feelings that seem ''foreign'' to you, it has the tendency to cause a great deal of anxiety, confusion and, if it gets bad enough, even the urge to flee.

For the undiscovered Empath, this place of not knowing what is happening can cause a great deal of mental suffering and anguish, which is a shame really, because being an Empath is a wonderful gift, which, once understood, can enhance your life in many ways. Once I learned that I was an Empath, and what that meant, it was as if my WHOLE life suddenly made so much more sense! And once I learned how to protect myself from constantly absorbing everyone else's energies, I found my own life force to improve dramatically. The one tool that has been especially helpful to me (and many others I have shared it with) is what I like to call my "Empath Catsuit." I read about the idea a ''suiting up '' to protect yourself form absorbing other people's energy a few years ago, and decided to try it one day when I was going to be around a bunch of people and was delighted to find that it actually did seem to help a bit. So i began using it regularly for a while, until I seemed to grow less susceptible to outside energetic influences.

The process is really quite simple. All you do is take a few minutes, before you have to be around any type of situation where you are feeling like you might take on unwanted energies, to ''suit up'' in your ''armor." To do this, simply imagine whatever color, texture, material etc you identify with as being protective/reflective (for me it is like a very shiny, black patent leather, almost liquid looking substance). See this coming down, starting at the crown of your head, and covering your entire body. As you do this, set the mental intention for this suit to shield you from any and all unwanted energies protecting your personal space from any intrusion and keeping your own vital energies from being drawn upon by others. I have found this process to be invaluable in my own experience, and will sometimes find myself ''suiting up'' mid conversation because I realize I am taking on more than I want. I urge you to give it a try and see how it feels! 

If you think you may be an Empath and would like to know more or have any questions, please feel free to  contact me. Meanwhile, happy Leo Full Moon I hope you have a wonderful night <3 


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