Tuesday, January 12, 2016

1/12/2016 (Day 12) The Beauty of the Flowers

I am very tired tonight and was not feeling inspired to write about anything in particular. I remembered some tips that my dear friend Lindy had given me during a conversation we'd had about the challenge of keeping up with a daily blog EVERY day. One of these tips was to use more pictures and less words on nights when tired or busy. So I went to my pictures to find some inspiration and as I saw the images of these magnificent flowers, on this cold January night, I was filled with warmth and a sense of awe at their utter beauty. And I thought how flowers seemed like little Lightworkers sent here to anchor in their various frequencies of beauty and awe. Perhaps they are on a divine mission to each embody a particular ''note'' of  awe inspring beauty that assists in uplifting the entirety of Gaia with their presence. I know that I cannot look at a flower without feeling a sense of beauty and awe at how incredibly amazing they are in all of their perfection...divine creations of perfect beauty sent here, briefly, to bless us with their presence and then move on. Please allow the vibration of these beauties to uplift your spirit on this cold winter's night. 



  1. Aimie, they are beautiful and certainly inspirational. Love them.

  2. Lovely! Glad you did find these to inspire you. I have a strong feeling that plants/trees definitely do light work beyond what most give them credit for. They filter and breathe for us and with us. Thank you for sharing even though you were tired. <3

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed and can relate! (Did you see my earier entry about the trees yet?...seems like you'd relate to that one as well). Thank you for reading and commenting <3
