Friday, January 15, 2016

1/15/2016 (Day 15) What on Earth is a Lightworker Anyhow?

Today someone asked me how I knew I was a Lightworker, how I had learned about Lightwork and, what exactly was a Lightworker, anyhow? The first I remember hearing of the Lightwork (although not the exact term) was back in the early-mid 90s when I started reading a book called Bringer's of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak. In it, she referred to the "Family of Light," and when I saw that term, something about it deeply resonated with me...I had this funny sense that she was referring to me and the family from which my soul must've truly come. She said: "You are magnificent beings, members of the Family of Light, and you came to Earth at this time on assignment to create a shift, to make a change, to assist in the transition. Love is the key. Love is what makes up the Universe." (pg 6-7) She spoke of "the evolution of super-consciousness" and of "evolving into the highest aspect of your being." She said that the members of the Family of Light didn't have to worry about this process because they already were these evolved beings and just needed to remember. She said, "It takes renegades like the Family of Light to come into a system that has been primarily dark for eons and change it." (pg7) And as I read on, I felt like I was reading my personal cosmic job description and as I did, I just knew, in the deepest part of my Soul, that I was a member of the Family of Light who had come here on this sacred mission of Love. I had no idea, at the time what that really meant, but I knew it was true...I didn't know why or how I knew, but I KNEW.

I'm not sure when I first heard the actual term Lightworker, but by the time the internet became a regular thing, I knew for certain that I was one...I still wasn't totally clear what that actually meant (Bringers of the Dawn got put aside for school books as I was in college as a single mother and didn't have much time for ''extra'' reading, I stopped reading at page 73), but I had a sort of vague notion. And it turns out that cyberspace is a wonderful place for Lightworkers, because it feels kind of like having access to the Akashic records of the Spirit world in manifest form...almost, and with a LOT of added not so Akashic-like stuff thrown But anyhow, once the internet became a part of everyday life, and I had an entire world of information at my fingertips, one of the first things I began exploring was the world of Lightwork. And there is A LOT out there if you look. I found so much that spoke to my soul in the words of others who had come here on similar missions and for the first time in my life, I didn't feel alone in my Spiritual mission. 

As a Lightworker, I volunteered, before birth, to come here and help Gaia and her people to heal from the effects of fear and darkness. I was given a divine mission, but it's not easy being here on this planet and as result, I quickly forgot that mission and lost all sense of my true divine identity which left me to feeling lost and frightened in a world in which I felt I didn't really belong. It was the journey of remembering who I truly was that gave me the strength to nurture that divine spark within and learn how to be a Lightworker. Allowing Spirit to guide me has taken courage and dedication. Our world doesn't really condone deep soul searching on a regular basis, and while it's okay to talk about God, when you start getting into frequency and multidimensionality and energetic patterns of existence most people tend to look at you like you're crazy. I have been fortunate enough to have been divinely guided to a life that has allowed me to do the searching I needed to and the internet provided me with no shortage of similarly minded people with which to share and explore. And so, most of what I know about being a Lightworker comes from my soul remembering something it already knows and simply trusting that what I am remembering it true and then, in its usual magical fashion, the Universe will often guide me to something that says just what it is that I have been remembering as a means of confirming that I ''ain't just making this shit up." It really is a matter of trusting ones Soul.

According to Doreen Virtue,
8 traits of a Lightworker are:
1. Feel called to heal others.
2. Want to resolve the world's social and environmental problems.
3. Believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation.
4. Have had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions or angelic encounters.
5. Have endured harsh life experiences that eroded the knowledge of your Divine perfection.
6. Want to heal your own life as a first step in healing the world.
7. Feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel about your healing experiences.
8. Feel a sense of time urgency to fulfill your mission before you know that you are here for a higher purpose or even if you are unsure what it is or how to fulfill it.

There is much more to talk about, but I am falling asleep here, so for now I will say goodnight and continue tomorrow. Thank you for reading! 

~Love and Light