Monday, January 18, 2016

1/18/2016 (Day 18) The Great Spiral of Life

The longer I travel around this Great Spiral of Life, the more I find a sort of preciousness in the opportunity to revisit energetic connections that I may have previously had to some person, place or situation that had a significant impact on my life. I welcome the chance to reconnect from the new vantage point at which I find myself on the spiral of my life, and to glean insight into where my truth is now as opposed to where it was when I previously connected with them. As someone who has been dedicated to lifelong learning for decades, I have almost always found that there are further insights to be gleaned from revisiting things and re-experiencing people that I once felt a significant connection to but are not a regular part of my life any longer. I welcome the chance to reconnect with these energies as a means to better understand how any expansion of consciousness I may have experienced since I last engaged with this particular person/situation has changed me in my experience in the NOW. 

Since coming more fully into remembrance of my mission and making the conscious choice to step fearlessly into my role as a Lightworker, I have, in an effort to raise my vibrational frequency on a consistent basis, dedicated myself to the process of conscious expansion with a vengeance. As a result, in these past few years (and especially the last one), I have experienced a great deal of change in my thinking. (Heck, the energies seem to shift so quickly these days, that some days I find that I almost feel like a completely different person than I was the day 

As a result of our internal shift in consciousness and frequency, things begin to shift in our external world as well. Through the Law of Attraction (''that which is like unto itself, is drawn"), as we change our frequency the people and experiences we tend to attract into our lives change as well. So we become accustomed to a certain kind of interaction and exchange, with the world around us, of energies that match our current frequency, not who we used to be. When, for whatever reason, we reconnect with some person or situation that was a significant part of our lives back when our energies were very different, we are often met with an expectation of sameness by the person who knew us as we were prior to our expansion process (this tends to be especially true with familial ties and/or ''exes'' with whom we shared a significant amount of energy and/or felt deeply connected to in the past and who are not, themselves, dedicated to our same level of conscious expansion).

I find that as a result of this, sometimes, when I revisit someone or something from my past experience, it is as if I can literally feel how I am no longer the same person that I was when they were a part of my life.  A part of myself quietly observes my internal thoughts and feelings and notices how I have changed and how the connection, which might've fit like a favorite shirt before, now feels like something that doesn't quite fit any longer. And when this happens, there is a bittersweet moment of awareness about who I was and who I have become and who I may yet be, and I am thankful for the chance to be a part of this Great Spiral of Life and all of the wonderful lessons that come round over and over as I move along my path. 


1 comment:

  1. I see and feel the Great Spiral you are talking about. I see you have more to say about it. Say more.
