Friday, January 8, 2016

1/8/2016 (Day 8) Inspired Decision Making for the New Paradigm

Today I finalized a decision that I had been pondering for a few weeks. It was a project that, when I was first invited to be a part of, in late October, seemed like a wonderful opportunity and perfectly in alignment with what I was in the process of creating and becoming. I was very excited to have the chance to be a part of what I considered to be very important work and felt inspired to take action.And then, a few weeks later, just as suddenly as I had found myself filled with inspiration and a desire to take action, I now found myself feeling uninspired and suddenly what I was so excited to do just the weeks before no longer seemed to be in alignment with who I now was. It was not that I found the project to be any less important, it was just that, suddenly it didn't feel like the proper fit for ME.

When this happened, I immediately began to examine what it was that had caused me to suddenly lose the desire and inspiration to be a part of this wonderful project that I had been so excited to be a part of just a week prior. I had to ask myself if what I thought was the reason was truly the reason why I had suddenly had a change of heart, or was i merely ''copping out'' or trying to ''sabotage'' myself? Was I truly listening to my Divine inspiration and guidance or was I just getting in my own way of success because I was chicken? 

I was thankful that the Christmas holiday would give me the chance to hold off on making a decision right away and the opportunity to continue to sit with my thoughts a bit longer. And then it was almost the New Year, so I figured I should wait till after that just to be certain I made the right decision. And as I delayed my decision making, I continued to ponder my reasoning, and what I came to realize, was that I had, indeed, acted upon Divine inspiration in both of these cases. I had acted upon it when I got excited about the project and I acted upon it when I decided to let go of my involvement in it as well. 

You see, by choosing to remain in a constant, conscious state of openness to expansion and allowing myself to tap into my Divine inspiration, I had become someone else in that short period of time, and who I was now, was no longer in alignment with what I had been in alignment with a few weeks prior. I realized that no, I was not copping out, but rather I was adjusting my truth based on who I had become. I had changed...I wasn't self-sabotaging, I was evolving

As we move into a new paradigm of expanded consciousness, we enter into a kind of fluidity of being that we have never experienced before and who we are can change in a moment. As we begin to explore our hearts and flex our intuition, we begin to FEEL to our way to decision making. The more we develop our intuitive muscles, the more in tune we will become with our ability to discern exactly what it is that our Divine Selves have in mind and make all of our decisions with grace and ease.   

Many Blessings <3


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